TAKE INITIATIVE. —To take initiative,develop the following aptitudes:1. Start new actions or plans without beingtold.2. Anticipate situations rather than react tothem.3. Take resourceful and persistent action.SupervisionSupervision is the ability of a leader to get ajob done, oversee the work process, and coordi-nate efforts toward task completion. The super-vision skill group includes six of the leadershipskills:1. Planning and organizing2. Optimizing use of resources3. Delegating4. Monitoring results5. Rewarding6. DiscipliningPLANNING AND ORGANIZING. —Whenplanning and organizing how to do a job orcorrect a problem, first arrange the activities,people, or materials involved into a sensible order.For example, you might arrange them by priority,sequence, position in the chain of command, oradministrative functions. Whatever order youdecide to use, plan and organize so that youproceed from the problem to a goal.First you must determine the specific steps youmust take to get the job done. List and figure theequipment, time, and manpower needed for thejob. Try to foresee any problems that might arise.Ask yourself, Are time, equipment, or personnelscarce? Do the personnel assigned have the skillsor knowledge to perform the assigned tasks?Next list your plans in their order ofimportance. What must be done now? What canbe left until later? By deciding the order in whichyou must carry out your plans, you can set up aplan of action.A plan of action lists who will do what tasksat what period. Take time to write down a planof action. Doing that will help you work aroundobstacles, such as times your people will be awayfrom the work center.Taking the following steps will allow you toplan for interruptions and still complete theassigned task in the most efficient and effectivemanner.1. Identify action steps, resources, orobstacles involved in reaching a goal.2. Prepare a schedule.3. Set priorities.These steps will allow you to plan forinterruptions and still complete the assigned taskin the most efficient and effective manner.OPTIMIZING USE OF RESOURCES. —Useall division personnel. Try to make every jobmeaningful by matching the right people with theright job. Matching your people with jobs theylike to do and do well shows them you think theirjob is important. When you give your people jobsthey have no interest in, they become bored.Rotate your people, because doing the samejob day after day gets old. Rotating your peoplegives them varied experience and trainingopportunities. It also ensures you will have peoplewho can do the work if someone is on leave orgets transferred.Use the following guidelines in optimizing useof resources: the capabilities of individuals andthe characteristics or requirements of thejob.Match the people and jobs to get the bestperformance.Fully use the human resources available toaccomplish tasks.Consider the balance between the re-quirements and work morale.DELEGATING. —Delegating authority toyour people is important because it will encourageyour subordinates to seek responsibility formanaging tasks. Giving orders may seem like theeasiest way to get a job done. However, that isnot the best way to motivate an individual to beeffective and efficient.When you give an order, give a reason for theorder. By explaining, your people will knowyou’re not just making more work for them, butavoiding extra work and making the task easier.Along with assigning a task, you must delegateyour authority to carry out the task. Delegatingauthority works well when you have several jobsgoing on and can’t oversee all jobs at the sametime. Someone has to be in charge in every group.When you ask a subordinate to share in task2-7
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