team work and cooperation within the workcenter. Remember the following guidelines whenthe skill of influencing: using1. or sell ideas. Your people will buyinto an idea faster if it is in their own self-interest.Build political coalitions or potentialinfluence networks.Gain commitment to organizational goals,traditions, and values by appealing to a“higher” purpose.Make others feel strong.Influence by personal example.Explain why, share information,municate the intent of actions.and com-TEAM BUILDING. —Team building is theact of promoting a spirit of team work andcooperation within or among work groups. Inother words, you influence members of workgroups to cooperate with each other to completeassigned tasks. In team building, you createvisions of “I win, you win” situations. (There isno loser and the team is the winner.) Once a workgroup reaches its goal, such as achieving battleefficiency “E,” subordinates will take pride in andidentify with their accomplishments.This leadership skill is especially important innonroutine situations requiring cooperationbetween work groups to accomplish tasks. Onceteam members at all levels of the chain ofcommand see the contribution their team effortmakes to the Navy’s mission, they will cooperatemore readily.Although you alone cannot develop esprit decorps among the ship’s crew, your efforts cancontribute to it. Wear your uniform proudly;compliment your people when they present a neat,sharp appearance. During inspections of compart-ment spaces, commend personnel for their teamefforts and extra work in contributing to the goodconditions of the spaces. Then point out any areasthat need improvement and give suggestions onhow to bring those spaces up to standards.Compliments, as long as they don’t result inflattery, can encourage people to do a better job.Use the following guidelines when exercising theskill of team building:1.2.Communicate to others the need forcooperation or teamwork.Inspire teamwork in nonroutine situationsrequiring cooperation between people andwork groups to accomplish tasks.3. Act to create symbols of group identity,pride, or team effort.DEVELOPING SUBORDINATES. —Effec-tive leaders develop subordinates by instructing,coaching, helping, and training them to becomeleaders themselves. They help subordinates dotheir jobs more skillfully and responsibly to meetqualification standards.Developing subordinates requires you to domore than give orders. You must set a goodexample, provide information and encourage-ment, and pass on your knowledges and skills.Effective leadership requires a balance betweensetting an example and delegating duties. Followthree guidelines when developing subordinates:1. Transfer expertise by setting an example.2. Provide the information and encourage-ment needed to get the job done.3. Coach by making training opportunities,expert help, and resources available to subordi-nates.LEADERSHIP STYLE . —Leadership style isthe characteristic or typical behavior of a personin various leadership situations. The manyelements that determine a person’s leadership styleinclude the following:• The• The• The• The• Theandperson’s motives and valuesspecific leadership situationperson’s experiencesjob or task involvedleadership styles of the person’s pastpresent superiorsThe effectiveness of a particular leadershipstyle depends on the character of the subordinates,the nature of the task, and the requirementsof the task involved. Coercer, authoritarian,affiliator, democrat, pacesetter, and coach leader-ship styles are discussed as follows:Coercer. —Leaders who use the coercerleadership style expect unquestioned compliancewith their plans and instructions. Coercerspractice the following methods in their leadershipstyle:1. Do not listen to subordinates’ ideas orsuggestions; subordinates see them asunresponsive.2-10
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