OPNAV Form 1500-31 (fig. 5-10). You can also
use it as an attendance sheet. Each training group
supervisor maintains records for personnel
assigned to his or her group. Keep training records
on your personnel as long as they are assigned to
your unit.
You may prepare training plans, schedules,
and records by typing, handwriting, or using an
automatic data processing (ADP) or word
processing system. Individual commands or type
commanders, as appropriate, may specify the
retention period for training plans and records.
Training plans should be retained long enough to
assist with planning for the training cycle. For
additional information on training, refer to
OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Standard Organization
and Regulations of the U.S. Navy, chapter 8.
The more senior a petty officer, the greater
are his or her responsibilities for training. As a
second class petty officer, you need to know
various techniques for conducting a proper and
effective training program. You must understand
the importance of effective training. Inadequate
training practices can affect the operational
readiness and performance of your command.
Various features and requirements make a
units training program efficient and effective.
The three basic features are compatibility,
instruction and evaluation, and analysis. The basic
requirements of effective training include dynamic
instruction, positive leadership, personal interest,
quality control, technical support, and regular
training schedules. For a training program to be
positive and effective, it must meet those
Training is more effective if conducted in small
groups. The most effective training method is an
in-house training program tailored to the needs
of your command. The different types of in-house
training methods include orientation, on-the-job,
refresher, and career or professional development.
Other instructional techniques include lectures,
discussions, and demonstrations. Give lectures
when you are teaching a large volume of informa-
tion. Begin class discussions to get trainees to
interact. Use the demonstration method to teach
skills. You will find the use of a lesson summary,
oral questioning, and training aids helpful in most
Once you set up a unit training program,
routinely schedule and plan training. Become
familiar with long-range and short-range training
Figure 5-10.-Example of training record.