6PERSONNEL SAFETY ANDDAMAGE CONTROLLEARNING OBJECTIVESUpon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following:Identify the duties of the electrical safety pettyofficer.Describe the responsibilities and the elementsof an electrical safety program.Describe the electrical safety precautionsassociated with hand tools and portableelectrical power tools.Explain how to effectively supervise personnelin work center and job site safety.Explain the work center supervisor’s role inoccupational safety and health awareness.Identify the various methods used on the jobto enforce safety.Explain how to apply the Navy OccupationalSafety and Health Program within the workcenter.Explain how to instruct personnel on the useand maintenance of personal protective equip-ment and clothing. the different parts of the ND MkV and MCU-2/P chemical, biological, andradiological (CBR) protective masks.Explain how to fit, test, and don the ND MkV protective mask.Explain how to replace mask canisters on theND Mk V protective mask.Describe how to care for and maintain theND Mk V protective mask.Explain how to check for leaks on theMCU-2/P protective mask.Explain how to fit and don the MCU-2/Pprotective mask.Explain how to select the correct size ofMCU-2/P protective mask.Describe the different types of CBR protectiveclothing.Describe how the M258A1 skin decontamina-tion kit should be used during a CBR attack.This chapter provides information aboutIt is the policy of the Navy to enhancesafety in the work center, the duties of theoperational readiness and mission accom-electrical safety petty officer, and chemicalplishments by establishing an aggressivebiological and radiological (CBR) protectionoccupational safety and health programequipment. Hopefully, reading about these topicswhich will reduce injuries, illnesses orwill cause them to remain fresh in your mind asdeath, material loss or damage, and main-you go about your daily routine.tain safe and healthy working conditionsfor personnel.SAFETY IN THE WORK CENTER—OPNAVINST 5100.19BThe goals of the Navy safety programs are tocreate and maintain safe and healthful working6-1
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