approval. Once approved by the commandingofficer, this consolidated package will become theunit long-range training plan.When you receive your unit’s copy of the long-range training plan, provide a copy of applicableportions to each training group. Since the trainingofficer keeps the unit’s long-range training planup to date, provide him or her with updatedinformation periodically at the Planning Boardfor Training. The long-range training plan, whenupdated regularly, provides the unit with adynamic management tool.SHORT-RANGE TRAINING PLANThe short-range training plan contains theplanning and scheduling of training. Effectivescheduling requires careful attention by the chainof command to minimize conflicts and tomaximize opportunities. The short-range trainingplan should include the following information:1. The Quarterly Employment Schedule (simi-lar to fig. 5-6)2. The Quarterly Training Plan (similar to fig.5-7)3. The Monthly Training Plan (similar to fig.5-8)4. The Weekly Training Schedule (similar tofig. 5-9)Quarterly Training PlanDuring the Planning Board for Training in themonth before an upcoming quarter, the trainingofficer distributes copies of the QuarterlyEmployment Schedule to the board members.Using this schedule as a guide, the Planning Boardfor Training develops broad unit training plansfor the upcoming quarter. The purpose of thisQuarterly Training Plan is to make traininggroups aware of unit plans that may affect thescheduling or conduct of group training. Once thePlanning Board for Training has developed theunit Quarterly Training Plan, department headsadd any additional broad departmental plans andprovide a copy to each training group within theFigure 5-6.-Example of a Quarterly Employment Schedule.5-13
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