REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. T h e p e r m a n e n t b o a r d m e m b e r s o f t h eProfessional Development Board include the—a. Command Master Chiefb. Command Career Counselorc. Personnel Officerd. Educational Service OfficerA2. T h e P r o f e s s i o n a l D ev e l o p m e n t B o a r dinterviews Sailors who want advancementtraining or who want to attend specialprograms.A3. T h e t h r e e l ow e s t g r a d e s a r e k n ow n a sapprenticeships.A4. Ratings are divided into—a. Generalb. ServiceA5.A designated striker is a person in paygradesE-1, E-2, or E-3 who has been designated astechnically qualified for a particular rating.A6.The Manpower and Personnel Classificationsand Occupational Standard, NAVPERS 18068,contains a list of NAVSTDs and OCCSTDs.A7.A NAVSTD is a military requirement thatdeals with all enlisted personnel, while anOCCSTD is an occupational requirement thatis rate specific.A8. The three requirements you need to meet to beadvanced to E-3 are—a. Time in rateb. The CO’s recommendationc. Complete Basic Military Requirements,NAVEDTRA 12018A9. To be advanced to petty officer, you must meetthe following requirements:a. Time in rateb. Complete the PARsc. Demonstrate knowledge of material inyour TRAMANd. CO’s recommendationA10. The final multiple score of an advancementexam is based on—a. Merit ratingb. Personnel testingc. ExperienceREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The three types of duty are—a. Seab. Shorec. NeutralA2.Overseas shore duty Code 3 is classified as seaduty for rotational purposes.A3. To let your detailer know what duty station youwant, you should submit Enlisted DutyPreference Form, NAVPERS 1306/63.A4. The kind of information found on the EnlistedDuty Preference Form includes—a. Where you want to gob. What type of duty you preferc. Career intentionsd. Family statusREVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1. The Evaluation Report and Counseling Record isused to record your qualifications, conduct,p e r fo r m a n c e , a n d e l i g i b i l i t y fo radvancement.A2. The numerical grading scale used on theEvaluation Report and Counseling Record issimilar to the A, B, C, D, F scale used in mosthigh schools. The following scale shows the16-34
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