7. Direct Appointment Program Nuclear PowerInstructor and Naval Reactor Engineer DirectAppointment ProgramAll candidates attend either the Aviation OfficerCandidate School (AOCS) program, Officer CandidateSchool (OCS), or Officer Indoctrination School (OIS)held in Pensacola, Florida.If you are interested in any of the Naval ReserveOfficer Programs, contact your career counselor. TheRetention Team Manual contains information on theseprograms.CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER PROGRAMThe Chief Warrant Officer Program providespersonnel an opportunity to earn a commission as anofficer without possessing a college degree. You mustbe in one of the senior enlisted paygrades to qualify as achief warrant officer candidate. The specificrequirements of the program, which are published eachyear, are available from your career counselor.LIMITED DUTY OFFICER PROGRAMThe Limited Duty Officer (LDO) Program isanother way in which you can obtain a commissionwithout a college degree. LDOs are commissionedofficers who are selected from the senior enlistedpaygrades. The requirements for this program, alsopublished each year, are available from your careercounselor.SEAMEN TO ADMIRAL PROGRAMThe Seaman to Admiral program is applicable toenlisted personnel of the Regular Navy and NavalReserve. Eligible applicants will be considered by aboard convened by the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP).The board will select the best qualified for appointmentin the program, within quotas authorized. If selected,you will be appointed a permanent ensign in the U.S.Navy after successful completion of Officer CandidateSchool (OCS). Following commissioning, officers willbe assigned to a warfare community. Upon successfulcompletion of initial sea duty and warfare qualification,officers will be screened for selection to a bachelor’sdegree program at the Naval Postgraduate School.REVIEW 8 QUESTIONSQ1. The Secretary of the Navy can appoint a specificnumber of enlisted personnel to the NavalAcademy. What number of (a) Regular Navy orRegular Marine Corps and (b) Naval or MarineCorps Reserve (active or inactive) can beappointed?a.b.Q2. What is the maximum time allowed to attendcollege in the NROTC program?Q3. Who was the BOOST program intended for?Q4. What is the major requirement to be eligible forthe Enlisted Commissioning Program?Q5. In what two programs can senior enlistedpersonnel obtain a commission without arequirement for a college degree?a.b.DISCHARGESLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the types of discharges.Recognize the effects of the various types ofdischarges.If you separate from the Navy before the end of youractive obligated service (EAOS) or after 8 years ofservice or if you reenlist, you will receive a discharge16-30Student Notes:
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