grading scale used on the Evaluation Report andCounseling Record:a. 5.0—greatly exceeds standardsb. 4.0—above standardsc. 3.0—meets standardsd. 2.0—progressinge. 1.0—below standardsA3. The evaluation traits that are found on theEvaluation Report and Counseling Recordinclude—a. Professional knowledgeb. Quality of workc. Equal opportunityd. Military bearing and charactere. Pe r s o n a l j o b a c c o m p l i s h m e n t a n dinitiativef. Teamworkg. LeadershipA4.After you sign your Evaluation Report, it is sentto BUPERS and copies go to the field servicerecord, reporting activity, and to you, theservice member.REVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. Page 1 of your service record contains yourenlisted contract.A2.Your evaluations are kept in the left-hand side ofyo u r s e rv i c e re c o r d , u n d e rn e a t h t h eseparator.A3.Record of Emergency Data form is Page 2 ofyour service record.A4.You should update Page 2 anytime you or yourfamily member has a change of address orchange in status.A5.Your basic test battery scores are on Page 4 ofyour service record.A6. Page 4 contains the following information:a. NECs; designators, assigned, changed, orrevokedb. Navy schools attendedc. Navy training courses completedd. Pe r s o n a l q u a l i fi c a t i o n s ; t e c h n i c a lqualificationse. GED and off-duty courses completedf. Decoration and awardsREVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1. Documents that require the CO’s personalsignature include documents dealing with lawor aspects of military justice and documentsthat by law are required to have the CO’ssignature, such as ships’ deck log.A2. You can find a list of command personnel thathas signature authority to sign commandcorrespondence in your unit’s organizationalmanual or instruction.A3.3-M stands for the Maintenance and MaterialManagement Systems.A4. The objectives of the 3-M system include—a. M a i n t a i n e q u i p m e n t a t m a x i m u moperating efficiencyb. Reduce equipment downtimec. Reduce cost of maintenance in both moneyand man-hoursd. P ro v i d e d a t a d i re c t l y re l a t e d t omaintenanceREVIEW 7 ANSWERSA1. PQS is divided into three sections that include—a. Fundamentalsb. Systems16-35
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