25. What is the most significant personnelmanagement tool in your service record?1. List of Navy schools2. The Evaluation Report and CounselingRecord3. The Enlisted Duty Preference Form4. Commands attached26.Which of the following is the main purpose ofthe Evaluation Report and CounselingRecord?1. For continuation of service2. For assignment to special duties3. For BUPERS to use when makingadvancement-in-rate assignment decisions4. All of the above27. What is meant if you are assigned a 3.0 on anevaluation?1. Your performance exceeds standards2. Your performance is above standard3. Your performance meets standards4. Your performance is progressing28. How many traits are evaluated on theEvaluation Report and Counseling Record?1. Three2. Five3. Seven4. Nine29. An evaluation for which of the following traitsis NOT required for paygrades E-1 throughE-3?1. Leadership2. Teamwork3. Personal job accomplishment4. Military bearing30. At what interval are Evaluation Report andCounseling Records for E-3 and belowsubmitted?1. Yearly only2. Yearly and when transferred3. Biyearly only4. Biyearly and when transferred31. Once you have signed your Evaluation Reportand Counseling Record, it is sent to whatagency?1. CINCPAC/LANT FLT2. CINC3. BUPERS4. CNO32. How many different forms are contained in theEnlisted Service Record?1. 72. 93. 134. 1533. Which of the following data is contained inPage 2 of your Enlisted Service Record?1. An application for dependency allowances2. An up-to-date record of emergency data3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Your civilian education34. What page of your Enlisted Service Recordcontains information on your occupationaltraining and awards you’ve received?1. Page 12. Page 23. Page 435. Where would you find information about yourcivilian education before you entered theNavy?1. Page 12. Page 23. Page 436. What type of documents require the CO’ssignature?1. Those that establish policy2. Those that deal with aspects of militaryjustice3. Those required by law4. Each of the above37. Which of the following is/are objective(s) ofthe 3-M Systems?1. To maintain equipment at maximumoperating efficiency2. To reduce equipment downtime3. To reduce cost of maintenance in moneyand man-hours4. Each of the above38. Which of the following is a requirement forqualifying for a particular watch station?1. Completing a PQS2. Completing a PAR3. Passing an advancement-in-rate exam4. Each of the above16-39
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