CHAPTER 17FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND STRESSMANAGEMENTYou may wonder why this chapter is titled“Financial Management and Stress Management,” orwhy financial management and stress management arecovered in the same chapter. Although there are manycauses of stress, one primary cause of stress in familiesis not having enough money to meet needs. This causeof stress can result in spouse and child abuse, which isnot acceptable behavior. All commands have a FamilyAdvocacy Program (FAP) to help families undergoingstress.Many commands provide financial counselors toadvise Sailors in financial difficulties. Family servicecenters or your leading petty officer (LPO) are someexamples of who you can seek for financial counseling.The Naval Military Personnel Manual section 62 offerssome good advice to all paygrades.MILITARY PAY SYSTEMLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the various types of military pay, theLeave and Earnings Statement, and the methodused to deposit military pay.Recognize the responsibilities of making surethat pay and earnings statements are correct.Identify liberty and leave and recognize theirdifferences.The military pay system affects you directly. Theamount you receive every payday is determined by themilitary pay system. Therefore, you should have a basicunderstanding of the difference between pay andallowances and the different types of pay andallowances. You should also understand a little aboutallotments and government insurance.In this section, you will learn about the basics of themilitary pay system. The pay system is very complexand pay and allowances are subject to change. If youneed specific information about your pay, you shouldconsult your disbursing office.PAYPay is money paid to you for services rendered. Allpay is taxable as income. The Navy has three types ofpay:1. Basic pay2. Incentive pay3. Special payYou may receive all three types of pay if you arequalified, or you may receive only basic pay.N av y p e r s o n n e l p a y c h e c k s a r e d e p o s i t e dautomatically into their checking or savings account viathe Direct Deposit System (DDS). To get paid, you mustopen up a savings or checking account.Basic PayBasic pay is the pay you receive based upon yourpaygrade and your length of service. All people onactive duty in the Navy receive basic pay.Navy personnel receive longevity (length ofservice) raises after 2, 3, and 4 years of service. Afterthat, they generally receive a longevity raise for every 2years of service. Personnel in paygrades E-1 and E-2don’t receive longevity raises. An E-3 doesn’t receivelongevity raises after 4 years of service. Length ofservice for pay purposes includes active-duty andinactive Reserve time, former service (if you have abroken-service enlistment), and service in otherbranches of the U.S. armed forces.17-1The policy of the Navy is “to promote habits of thrift and encourage… conduct offinancial affairs in such a manner as to reflect credit upon the naval services." As aNavy sailor it is your responsibility to seek out financial information to avoid anyfinancial problems.
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