awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in one of 18majors and an ensign’s or second lieutenant’s gold bars.NAVAL ACADEMY PREPARATORYSCHOOLThe Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) islocated in Newport, Rhode Island, as a part of the NavalEducation and Training Center. With up to 300 male andfemale students, the school offers a balanced academic,military, and physical program patterned after the NavalAcademy.Academically, the school teaches mathematics,chemistry, physics, and English at three levels ofdifficulty. It also teaches an introductory computercourse.Although not required to gain a Secretary of theNavy appointment to the Academy, attendance at NAPSgreatly improves the chances for obtaining one of theseappointments.NROTC SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMThe Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps( N ROT C ) S c h o l a r s h i p P r o g r a m l e a d s t o a nappointment as a Reserve or Regular officer in the Navyor Marine Corps at the grade of ensign or secondlieutenant. If you qualify and are selected for thisprogram, you will receive a scholarship to a college oruniversity with an NROTC unit. You must sign anagreement to spend 6 years in the Navy uponcompletion of or withdrawal from school. If you are onactive duty at the time you sign the agreement, you willbe discharged to attend school for a maximum of 40months. During that time you will receive tuition,books, and fees. Personnel who have entered theprogram from active duty will also receive a subsistenceallowance.BROADENED OPPORTUNITY FOROFFICER SELECTION AND TRAINING(BOOST) PROGRAMIf you are interested in the Naval Academy or theNROTC Scholarship Program and qualify in allrespects except academically, you may want to apply forthe BOOST program. BOOST stands for BroadenedOpportunity for Officer Selection and Training. TheBOOST program is intended to help people who havebeen educationally deprived but have demonstratedthey have the basic qualities and desires needed to gain acommission.If you are selected for BOOST, you will receiveacademic, physical fitness, and general military trainingas well as counseling. Selection for BOOST does notguarantee your selection for the Naval Academy or theNROTC Scholarship Program, but it certainly increasesyour opportunities.ENLISTED COMMISSIONING PROGRAMIf you are interested in a commission and haveenough college credit to complete all the requirementsfor a baccalaureate degree within 2 years, you mayqualify for the Enlisted Commissioning Program(ECP). If you are selected for the ECP, you will attend acollege of your choice and receive full pay andallowances while you do so. However, you will pay yourown educational expenses. Upon graduation, you willattend Officer Candidate School and be commissioned.You must agree to a 6-year obligation for activeenlisted service from the date of enrollment in theEnlisted Commissioning Program. Upon yourcommission, that obligation is canceled and you assumean obligation of 4 years of commissioned service.NAVAL RESERVE OFFICER PROGRAMSSeven programs lead to commissions in the U.S.Naval Reserve for enlisted personnel who possess abaccalaureate degree or higher. These programs are asfollows:1. Unrestricted Line Appointment2. Program Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate3. Program Aviation Officer Candidate School4. Program Navy Judge Advocate General (JAG)Corps5. Direct Appointment Program Chaplain CorpsDirect Appointment6. Program Civil Engineer Corps16-29Student Notes:
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