obligate for 6 years’ active duty. While attendingcollege, you may compete for advancement.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. What are the three sections that PQS is dividedinto?a.b.c.Q2. To find a list of Navy TRAMANs, you wouldrefer to the ______________________ on theweb at________________________________.Q3. What type of training are you receiving whenyou’re learning a skill while working?Q4. What type of training is recruit training?Q5. List the different classifications of Navy schools.a.b.c.d.e.f.Q6. What program does the Navy offer to helpSailors earn a high school diploma or improvetheir skills and military performance?Q7. What financial program does the Navy have tohelp Sailors with their off-duty education?Q8. What type of services does DANTES provide?PROGRAMS LEADING TO A NAVALCOMMISSIONLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the programs that can lead to a Navycommission.Navy personnel may follow many paths to a Navycommission. Certain enlisted men and women who areo u t s t a n d i n g p e r f o r m e r s m a y q u a l i f y f o r acommissioning program. This section briefly describesthe Navy’s basic commissioning programs.NAVAL ACADEMYEach year, the Secretary of the Navy may appointthe following to the Naval Academy at Annapolis,Maryland:85 enlisted men and women from the RegularNavy or Regular Marine Corps and85 enlisted men and women from the Naval orMarine Corps Reserve (active or inactive)Those who are appointed receive a fully subsidizedundergraduate education that leads to a commission inthe Navy or the Marine Corps.Students at the Naval Academy are appointed asmidshipmen, U.S. Navy. They receive pay equal toabout one-half an ensign’s basic monthly pay, plustuition, room, and board. Upon graduation, they are16-28Student Notes:
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