There are many more flags and pennants that havespecial meanings. You will have to know the meaning ofsome of these. They are called general signals, and thosenot previously discussed are shown in figure 4-27.When flag officers of the Navy (admiral, viceadmiral, rear admiral [upper half], rear admiral [lowerhalf]) assume command of a fleet or a unit of a fleet,their personal flag (fig. 4-28) is hoisted and kept flyinguntil they turn over their command to their successor. Ifthe officer is absent from command for a periodexceeding 72 hours, the flag is hauled down until theofficer returns.A f l a g o ffi c e r ’s f l a g i s n ev e r d i s p l a y e dsimultaneously from more than one ship. It is flown atthe main-truck of the ship the officer is aboard.Normally, no personal flag or pennant is shown at thesame masthead with the national ensign. When a doubledisplay is required, the personal flag or pennant shouldbe flown at the foretruck and the national ensign flownat the main-truck. When a single masted flagship isdressed or full-dressed, however, the personal flag orpennant is hoisted at the starboard yardarm. During agun salute, the ensign is displayed at the main-truck.Any personal flag is lowered clear of the ensign.FLAG DISPLAYS IN BOATSThe ensign is flown from the stern of naval boats.The ensign should never be so large that it hangs in thewater when the boat is afloat. When the ensign becomessoiled, it should be changed for a clean ensign. Our flagshould be flown from boats during the following times:When under way during daylight in a foreignportWhen ships are required to be dressed orfull-dressedWhen going alongside a foreign vesselWhen an officer or official is embarked on anofficial occasionW h e n a f l a g o r g e n e r a l o ffi c e r, a u n i tcommander, a commanding officer, or a chief ofstaff, in uniform, is embarked in a boat of thecommand or in one assigned for personal useAt other times when prescribed by the seniorofficer presentWhen an officer in command (or chief of staff)entitled to a personal flag or pennant is embarked in aboat on an official occasion, the appropriate flag orpennant is flown at the bow. (If not entitled to a personalflag or pennant, a commission pennant is displayed.) Onother than official occasions, a miniature personal flagor pennant is displayed near the coxswain’s station.4-29Student Notes:ALFAMIKEYANKEEOSCARPAPAQUEBECZEROCODESIGNALMEANINGFigure 4-27.—General signals.
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