morning colors, followed by the national anthems ofany other foreign nations represented.There are times during the year that the ensign isflown at half-mast, or half-staff ashore. This is theinternationally recognized symbol of mourning.Normally, the flag is half-masted on receivinginformation of the death of one of the officials or officerslisted in U.S. Navy Regulations. Notification may bethrough the news media or by official message. TheUnited States honors its war dead on Memorial Day byflying the flag at half-mast from 0800 until the last gunof a 21-minute gun salute that begins at noon (or until1220 if no gun salute is rendered).If the ensign is flown from the flagstaff and ishalf-masted, the union jack is also half-masted. Inhalf-masting the national ensign, it will, if not alreadyhoisted, first be hoisted to the peak and then lowered tothe half-mast position. Before lowering from thehalf-mast position, the ensign is hoisted to the peak,then lowered ceremoniously. Distinctive marks, such ascommission or command pennants, are not half-mastedexcept when the ship’s commanding officer or the unitcommander dies.U.S. Navy Regulations stipulates that when any shipunder United States registry or the registry of a nationformally recognized by the United States salutes a U.S.Navy ship by dipping its flag (hauled halfway down andthen raised), the courtesy is to be returned dip for dip. AU.S. Navy ship never dips to a foreign ship (flag) first.U.S. naval ships (USNS) of the Military SealiftCommand do not dip the national ensign to Navy shipssince they are public ships of the United States.4-25Student Notes:Figure 4-16.—The United States national ensign.PREPARATIVEFigure 4-17.—Preparative pennant.
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