are signals for rendering and terminating the handsalute.Sometimes the music for colors from another U.S.ship can be overheard aboard your ship. When thishappens and no band, music, or bugler is aboard yourship, the command “Carry On” should not be given untilthe music being overheard is completed.If foreign warships are present, the national anthemof each country represented is played after morningcolors. If your ship is visiting a foreign port, the nationalanthem of that country is played immediately following4-24Student Notes:INTERNATIONALSIGNALSNAVY MEANINGSEMERGENCY/WARNING FLAGSCODE ALFA (International) I have a diver(s) down; keep well clear at slow speed.BRAVO I am taking in, discharging, or carrying dangerous materials.KILO Personnel working aloft.MIKE 1 This ship has medical guard duty.MIKE 2 This ship has dental guard duty.OSCAR Man overboard.FLAG FIVE Breakdown; the vessel is having engine or steering difficulty.ADMINISTRATIVE FLAGSHOTEL (International) This ship has a harbor pilot on board.INDIA Preparing to come alongside in-port or at anchor.JULIETT I have a semaphore message to transmit.PAPA General recall; all personnel return to the ship.QUEBEC Boat recall; all boats return to the ship.ROMEOIn port; flown by ship having READY DUTY. At sea, flow by the shipPREPARING TO REPLENISH.SIERRA Holding flag hoist drill.FIRST SUBSTITUTEIndicates the absence of the flag officer or unit commander show personal flagor pennant is flying on the ship.SECOND SUBSTITUTE Indicates the absence of the chief of staff..THIRD SUBSTITUTEIndicates the absence of the captain. If the captain is absent over 72 hours, itindicates the absence of the executive officer.Table 4-3.—Commonly Used International Signals
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