DC WIFCOM is an improved means of damagecontrol central (DCC) using modern hand-held radiosspecifically designed for shipboard needs. The systemis initially installed in some ships and repair lockerswith radios and antennas on a horizontal plane. Animprovement in the system will eventually includeadditional radios and vertical antennas for other stationsto include the bridge and electronics casualty controlteam.Where installed, DC WIFCOM is the primarymeans of DCC within the repair locker area. Thenhand-held portable transceivers, repair locker basestations, and a radiating antenna system provideinstantaneous communications between repair lockersand repair locker personnel at the scene andinvestigators making damage reports. Each repairlocker has an installed base station and four portablehand-held transceivers. Four to 12 channels areavailable for use. The first four channels have thefollowing assignments:Channel 1—Repair 5 areaChannel 2—Repair 2 areaChannel 3—Repair 3 areaChannel 4—Designated for ship-to-ship com-munications. Channel 4 may also be used forcommunications among ship control stations such asDCC, secondary DCC, secondary conn and the bridgemajor configurations.In the DC scenarios, WIFCOM hand-heldtransceivers are issued to the investigators and sceneleader. They are the primary means of communicationin the repair station area of responsibility. The 21J (orother designated) sound-powered telephone circuits arethe primary means of communication between repairlockers and DCC. Personnel using WIFCOM must beaware of specific zones of reduced transmissioncapability or dead zones. Secondary communications,such as messenger or via second WIFCOM operator,must be used to communicate through dead zones. Ifemission control is necessary, special considerationmust be given WIFCOM. In watertight areas duringmaterial condition ZEBRA, WIFCOM transmissionsmay be interrupted. These transmissions can be madeonly with command approval. In case of WIFCOMfailure, repair locker personnel should establisheffective communications as quickly as possible usingother methods.REVIEW 6 QUESTIONSQ1. Your phone system is unsecured. Whenreceiving a call, you should answer the phone bysaying—Q2. What system is tied into the IMC circuit?Q3. What circuit is the damage control circuit?Q4. What person(s) authorize(s) calls passed over theIMC?a.b.c.Q5. What is the difference between an IMC circuitand a 21MC circuit?Q6. The first 4 channels of WIFCOM are assignedto—a.b.c.d.4-20Student Notes:
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