Formal recognition of a foreign country does notmean that diplomatic relations must exist. The fact thatdiplomatic relations have been severed does not meanthat the United States no longer recognizes the existenceof the state or the government concerned. However, theUnited States does not return the dip to countries such asAlbania, North Korea, Vietnam, and South Yemen. If indoubt, ask the duty Signalman.UNION JACKThe union jack is the rectangular blue part of theUnited States flag containing the stars. It is shown infigure 4-18. It symbolizes the union of the states of theUnited States. Each star represents a state.When a naval ship is in port or at anchor, the unionjack is flown from the jackstaff from 0800 to sunset. Inaddition to flying from the jackstaff, the union jack ishoisted at the yardarm to indicate that a generalcourt-martial or a court of inquiry is in session.The union jack is flown in boats as follows:1. When a diplomatic official of the United States,at or above the rank of charge d’affaires, isembarked in a boat of the U.S. Navy and iswithin the waters of the country which thatperson represents2. When a governor general, or a governorcommissioned as such by the President, isembarked in a boat in an official capacity and theboat is within the governor’s area of jurisdiction(for example, the Governor of the VirginIslands)When displayed from the jackstaff, the union jack ishalf-masted if the national ensign is half-masted. It israised and lowered in the same manner as the nationalensign. The union jack is not dipped when the nationalensign is dipped.The union jack is issued in several sizes; but, whenflown at the jack staff, it must be the same size as theunion of the ensign flown at the flagstaff. To make sureit is not flown upside down, always have the single pointof the stars pointing toward the sky.U.S. NAVY FLAGO n 2 4 A p r i l 1 9 5 9 , t h e P r e s i d e n t , o n t h erecommendation of the Secretary of the Navy,established an official flag for the United States Navy.That was done to fulfill a need for an official flag torepresent the Navy in displays and on a variety ofoccasions, such as ceremonies and parades. Figure 4-19shows the Navy flag.The U.S. Navy flag represents the Navy as follows:At official ceremoniesIn paradesIn displays during official Navy occasions4-26Figure 4-18.—Union jack.Figure 4-19.—U.S. Navy flag.Student Notes:
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