Aboard ship, the bridge watch usually tells thequarterdeck that an officer’s or enlisted’s liberty boat isapproaching the ship.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. List some of the flags and pennants used by theNavy.Q2. In the space provided, list the flag flown for theconditions described on the right.Q3. In port, commissioned ships display the nationalensign and the union jack from what locations?Q4. In large ships, what person is usually responsiblefor making sure that special flags and pennantsare displayed?Q5. What is the flagstaff insignia for a captain?Q6. A boat with a halbert insignia on the flagstaff isapproaching your ship. What is the rank of theperson on the ship?SIDE HONORSLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the purpose of and use of side honors.Side honors, rendered to officers and officialsboarding and departing the ship, are part of the honorsstipulated for an official visit. The honors consist ofparading the proper number of side boys and piping theside by the honors boatswain’s mate. Officersappropriate to the occasion also attend the side. Sideboys are not paraded on Sunday or on other daysbetween sunset and 0800 or during meal hours of thecrew, general drills and evolutions, and periods ofregular overhaul, except in honor of civil officials andforeign officers; then they may be paraded at any timeduring daylight hours. Side boys are paraded only forscheduled (official) visits.The term official means a formal visit of courtesyrequiring special honors and ceremonies. An informalvisit of courtesy requiring no special ceremonies is acall.HONORS FOR OFFICIAL VISITSThe honors specified for an official visit arerendered on arrival as follows:When the rail is manned, personnel are spaceduniformly at the rail on each weather deck, facingoutboard. The command “Attention” is sounded as thevisitor’s boat or vehicle approaches the ship.If a gun salute is prescribed on arrival, it is firedas the visitor approaches and is still clear of the side. Theproper flag or pennant is broken on the first gun andhauled down on the last gun except when it is to be flownfor the duration of the visit. Other ships firing aconcurrent salute also haul down, on the last gun, theflag or pennant displayed in honor of the visitor.4-31Student Notes:CONDITIONS FLAGa. There is a manoverboard.b. There are divers in thewater.c. A general court-martialis in session.d. Worship service(s) inprogress.e. The captain is absent.
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