12. What type of telephone may be installed onweather decks?1. A2. F3. C4. G13. Which of the following elements is includedwhen taking a message?1. Name of caller2. Message3. Time and date4. Each of the above14. The IVCS has which of the followingcomponents?1. Terminals2. Accessories3. ICSCs4. All of the above15. Within the IVCS, what is the purpose of theICSCs?1. To perform switching actions2. To keep lines clear3. To give multi-access to lines4. To ensure automatic cutoff for securitypurposes16. Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is called the general announcingsystem?1. 1MC2. 2MC3. 3MC4. 4MC17. Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is used for intership communications?1. 5MC2. 6MC3. 7MC4. 8MC18. Which of the following shipboard announcingsystems is used for hangar deck damagecontrol?1. 39MC2. 51MC3. 53MC4. 58MC19. Which of the following persons is authorizedto pass calls over the 1MC?1. OOD2. XO3. CO4. Each of the above20. What is the purpose of the 20MC announcingsystem?1. Radio room announcing system2. Flag officer’s command announcingsystem3. Combat information announcing system4. Captain’s command announcing system21. Which of the following types of flags andpennants is/are used by the Navy?1. Substitute flags2. Numeral pennants3. International alphabet flags4. All of the above22. Aboard ship, a man overboard is indicated bywhat emergency/warning flag?1. Code Alfa2. Oscar3. November Charlie4. Bravo23. What administrative flag is used to recall allpersonnel to the ship?1. Hotel2. Juliett3. Romeo4. Papa24. What administrative flag is flown in port toindicate the ship has ready duty?1. Hotel2. India3. Romeo4. Quebec25. When under way, the national ensign isnormally flown from what location?1. The gaff2. The aftermast3. The flagstaff4. The jackstaff4-36
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