REVIEW 1 ANSWERA1. To give the serial number (23DBCX14) of thepump over the phone, you would say—too, tree,delta, bravo, charlie, xray, wun, fo-wer.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1.True, the mouthpiece and earpiece of asound-powered phone are interchangeable.A2. If you pick up the mouthpiece or the headpieceby itself, delicate wires could break.A3.If you leave the headset plugged in, the earpiecespick up background noises and transmit themover the circuit.A4.To talk or listen through the phone, depress thebutton located between the transmitter andreceiver.REVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The three categories of sound powered phonecircuits are—a. Primaryb. Auxiliaryc. SupplementaryA2.An XJZ circuit is an auxiliary circuit.A3. Some of the practices that make a good phonetalker include—a. Speak clearly and directly into the phoneb. Don’t have food or gum in your mouthc. Don’t paraphrase messages; repeat themword for wordd. Speak slowlye. In an emergency, speak calmly andpreciselyf. Don’t use local accentsA4. Some disciplines that must be followed whentalking over sound-powered phone circuitsinclude—a. Transmit official message onlyb. Keep the button in the OFF position exceptwhen transmittingc. Use standard terms and phrasesd. Don’t use slang or profanityA5. To clear a sound-powered phone circuit totransmit an important message, the sendershould say “silence on the line.”A6. The proper response upon receipt of a message isas follows: “Repeat message, identify yourself,and then acknowledge the message.”REVIEW 4 ANSWERA1. The four elements you should include whentaking a message are—a. Name of callerb. The messagec. Time and date of messaged. Your nameREVIEW 5 ANSWERSA1. The terminal devices used with the IVCS are—a. Networkb. DialA2.Within the IVCS, the ICSC acts like aswitchboard and connects the caller with theperson who called.REVIEW 6 ANSWERSA1. Your phone system is unsecured. Whenreceiving a call, you should answer the phone bysaying this line is unsecured.4-33
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