A2.The alarm system is tied into the 1C circuit.A3.The 4MC circuit is the damage control circuit.A4. Calls passed over the 1MC are authorized bythe—a. OD,b. XO, or thec. COA5.The 1MC is a one-way system and the 21MC isan intercom with two-way communication.A6. The first 4 channels of WIFCOM are assignedto—a. Channel 1—Repair 5b. Channel 2—Repair 2c. Channel 3—Repair 3d. Channel 4—Ship-to-ship communicationsREVIEW 7 ANSWERSA1. Flags and pennants used by the Navy includethe international alphabet flags; numeralpennants and a code/answer pennant; a seto f n u m b e r f l a g s , s p e c i a l f l a g s , a n dpennants; and four substitutes or repeaters.A2. The flag flown for the conditions is as follows:A3. When in port, commissioned ships display thenational ensign and the union jack. The nationalensign is flown from the flagstaff at the stern,and the union jack is flown from the jackstaffat the bow.A4.On large ships, the signalman is usuallyresponsible for making sure that special flagsand pennants are displayed.A5.A ball is the flagstaff insignia for a captain.A6. A boat with a halbert insignia on the flagstaff isapproaching your ship. There is a flag orgeneral officer on board, whose official saluteis less than 19 guns.REVIEW 8 ANSWERSA1.Side boys are paraded for scheduled officialvisits.A2.A gun salute is fired whenthe visitorapproaches and is still clear of the side.4-34CONDITIONS FLAGa. There is a manoverboard.Oscarb. There are divers inthe water.Code Alfac. A general court-martial is in session.The Union Jackd. Worship service(s)in progress.Church pennant/Jewish worshippennante. The captain isabsentThe third pennant
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