CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. Your department is responsible for cleaning allthe areas listed on which of the followingdocuments?1. The compartment checkoff list2. The Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill3. The Maintenance and Material Manage-ment System4. The Cleaning, Preservation, andMaintenance Bill2. Cleaning gear is stocked and issued from whatarea?1. The supply department2. The first lieutenant’s storeroom3. The aft deck storeroom4. The common gear locker3. When using cleaning agents, such asdetergents, you should take which of thefollowing steps to ensure good cleaningresults?1. Wetting and rinsing only2. Wetting, scrubbing, and rinsing3. Scrubbing and drying only4. Scrubbing, wetting, and drying4. Which of the following is the definition of afield day?1. The day before an important personalinspection2. A period set aside for the maintenance ofpersonal clothing3. A day designated by the captain forparticipation of all hands in organizedsports4. A period when all hands thoroughly cleanthe ship inside and out5. Field days accomplish which of the followingfunctions?1. Reduce the dirt intake caused by operatingequipment2. Aid in the preservation of the ship byextending paint life3. Improve the appearance and sanitarycondition of the ship4. All of the above6. Vinyl deck coverings should be given whatcare frequently?1. Scrubbed, waxed, and buffed with anelectric buffing machine2. Clamped down, dried, and buffed with abuffer3. Buffed with scouring pads and mineralspirits4. Swabbed with detergent and waxed withself-polishing wax7. What material is added to nonslip deckcoverings to provide better footing?1. Pieces of sandpaper2. Small pebbles3. Pumice8. What type of inspection is taking place whenthe ship or station is divided into sections?1. Cruise inspection2. Zone inspection3. Captain’s inspection4. Shakedown inspection9. Solvents should NEVER be used in un-ventilated spaces under any circumstances.1. True2. False10. When using solvents, proper ventilation mustbe provided in which of the following areas?1. In voids only2. In exterior spaces only3. In interior spaces only4. Each of the above11. Which of the following precautions willreduce the possibility of vapor buildup in anarea?1. Wearing protective clothing, goggles, andgloves2. Keeping oxygen and first-aid equipmentnearby3. Using extra fans for ventilation4. All of the above18-23
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