brush; otherwise, paint will drip on the deck or othersurfaces and run down the handle.)Hold the brush at right angles to the surfacebeing painted, with the ends of the bristles justtouching the surface. Lift the brush clear off thesurface when starting the return stroke. If the brush isnot held correctly and is not lifted, the painted surfacewill be uneven, showing laps and spots and a daubedappearance. Also, a brush that is held at any angleother than a right angle will soon wear away at theends.For complete and even coverage, follow the Navymethod and first lay on, and then lay off. “Laying on,”means applying the paint first in long strokes in onedirection. “Laying off,” means crossing your firststrokes. The proper method is shown in figure 18-5. Byusing the recommended Navy method and crossingyour strokes, you can distribute the paint evenly andcompletely with a minimum amount of paint beingused.Always paint the overhead first, working from thecorner that is farthest from the entrance of thecompartment. By painting the overhead first, you canwipe drippings off the bulkhead without smearing thebulkhead paint.When overhead surfaces are being painted, sectionsshould normally be painted in a fore-and-aft direction;beams, in an athwartship direction. But where sectionsof the overhead contain many pipes running parallelwith the beams, it is often difficult to lay off the paint in afore-and-aft direction. In such situations, better resultsare obtained by laying off the paint parallel with thebeams.To avoid brush marks when finishing up an area youhave painted, use strokes directed toward the lastsection finished, gradually lifting the brush near the endof the stroke while the brush still is in motion. Everytime the brush touches the painted surface at the start ofa stroke, it leaves a mark. For this reason, never finish asection by brushing toward the unpainted area. Instead,always end up by brushing back toward the area alreadypainted.When painting pipes, stanchions, narrow straps,beams, and angles, lay the paint on diagonally, as shownin figure 18-6. Lay off along the long dimension.Always carry a rag for wiping up dripped orsmeared paint. Carefully remove loose bristles stickingto the painted surface.Cutting InAfter you master the art of using a paintbrushproperly, learn to cut in. Cutting in is a simple procedurethat you can learn in a short time.Suppose you have to cut in the angle between anoverhead and a bulkhead, as shown in figure 18-7. Startat one corner. Hold your brush at an angle of about 76º to80º from the bulkhead and about 10º from the overhead.Draw your brush along in fairly long, smooth strokes.This is one job where working slowly does not producebetter results. The slower you stroke, the wavier yourline will be.Use of RollersThe type of paint roller (fig. 18-8) used in the Navyis equipped with a replaceable cylinder of soft fabricover a solvent-resistant paper core. It rotates on the shaftof a corrosion-resistant steel frame.18-18Figure 18-4.—Correct way to hold a brush.Student Notes:Figure 18-5.—Laying on and laying off.
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