REVIEW 3 QUESTIONSQ1. List the most common hand tools used to removepaint and rust from small areas.a.b.c.Q2. How should you prepare chipped edges of paintto make ready for painting?Q3. List the two main reasons for a bad paint job.a.b.Q4. List the four main essential ingredients in paint.a.b.c.d.Q5. How many coats of primer should be applied tobare metal?WHAT NOT TO PAINTNeverpaint the following items:Start-stop mechanisms of electrical safetydevices and control switchboards on machineryelevatorsBell pulls, sheaves, annunciator chains, andother mechanical communications devicesComposition metal water ends of pumpsCondenser heads and outside surfaces ofcondensers made of composition metalSprinkler piping within magazinesExposed composition metal parts of anymachineryGlands, stems, yokes, toggle gear, and allmachined external parts of the valvesHeat exchange surfaces of heating or coolingequipmentIdentification platesJoint faces of gaskets and packing surfacesLubricating gear, such as oil holes, oil or greasecups, grease fittings, lubricators, and surfaces incontact with lubricating oilLubricating oil reservoirsMachined metal surfaces (working surfaces) ofreciprocating engines or pumpsMetal laggingRods, gears, universal joints, and couplings ofvalve operating gearRubber elements of isolation mountsGround platesSpringsStrainersThreaded partsZincsWorking surfacesHose and applicator nozzlesKnife edges; rubber gaskets; dogs; drop bolts;wedges; and operating gear of watertight doors,hatches, and scuttles18-14Student Notes:
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