Large areas, such as ships’ decks and sides (free ofrivets, bolts, cable, pipes, and so on), can be coveredwith paint quickly by the roller method. The paintshould be laid on and laid off the same way as whenbrushes are used. Apply a moderate amount of pressureto the roller to make sure the paint is worked into thesurface. If pressure is not applied, the paint doesn’t stickand soon peels off. When the paint roller is properlyused, it will apply a more even coat and use less paintthan with a brush.CARE OF BRUSHES AND ROLLERSUnfortunately, too many good paintbrushes androllers are ruined because painters have little or no ideahow to care for them, or they are too lazy to clean them.To avoid ruining paintbrushes and rollers, pay attentionto the following hints. Treat applicators as though youpaid for them yourself, and replace them when they nolonger are usable.Do not let a brush stand on its bristles in a potof paint for more than a few minutes. Theweight of the brush bends the bristles, making italmost impossible to do a good job.Never allow paint to dry on a brush. If youintend to leave a paint-filled brush for longperiods, as over the noon hour, fold wax paper orother heavy paper around the bristles and ferrulein such a way that air is kept away from thebristles. Twist the paper around the handle andsecure it with rope yarn or sail twine. Cover yourpot of paint, and place both it and the brush in asafe place. Before starting to paint again, stir thepaint thoroughly with a paddle—not the brush.At the end of the day, clean as much paintfrom the brush as possible by wiping it acrossthe edge of the paint pot or mixing paddle.Then turn in your paint and brush to the paintlocker.Ordinarily, the person or persons working in thepaint locker will clean and stow the brushes turned in.Occasionally, though, they require help; and you may bedetailed to the job. If so, follow instructions carefully;and do a thorough job of cleaning the brushes.18-19Student Notes:Figure 18-7.—Cutting in.Figure 18-6.—Painting pipes and stanchions.Figure 18-8.—Parts of a paint roller.
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