Paint lockers usually have containers with dividedcompartments for stowing different types of brushes(that is, paint, varnish, shellac, and so on) for shortperiods of time. These containers normally have tightcovers and are equipped for hanging brushes so that theentire length of the bristles and the lower part of theferrule are covered by the solvent or cleaner oil kept inthe container. Brushes are suspended so that the bristlesdon’t touch the bottom, preventing them from becomingpermanently misshapen.Brushes to be used the following day should becleaned in the proper cleaner and placed in the propercompartment of the container. Those not to be usedagain soon should be cleaned, washed in soap ordetergent and water, and hung to dry. After drying, theyshould be wrapped in heavy paper and stowed flat. Donot leave a brush soaking in water. Water causes thebristles to separate into bunches, flare, and becomebushy.The proper cleaners for paint applicators are shownbelow:Paint rollers are cleaned in a different fashion. Afteruse, the fabric cylinder is stripped from the frame,washed in the cleaner recommended for the paint used,washed in soap and water, rinsed thoroughly in freshwater, and replaced on the frame to dry. Combing thepile of the fabric while it is damp prevents matting.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1.What is the first sign of aluminum corrosion?Q2. True or False. Old paint in good condition makesan excellent base for repainting.Q3. For painting small areas and cutting into corners,what type of paintbrush is best?Q4. What method of painting does the Navy use tocompletely and evenly cover an area?SUMMARYWe live close together aboard ship. The dailyroutine of cleaning the berthing compartment and headareas is not only beneficial for our own welfare but forour shipmates as well. It also makes those long cruiseseasier if we take the time to make our living spaces aspleasant as possible. The occasional zone inspectionwill help in keeping all our spaces up to speed. Lookingfor problems that exist, or ones that could arise in thefuture, will benefit us all.We also discussed some of the more importantaspects of surface preservation. Most of our ships servefor over 20 years, and in the case of carriers, over 30years. That is testimony to how well the Navy cares forits ships. This care would not be possible withoutpersonnel having the proper equipment and materials,being properly trained in the correct application of thesematerials, and taking pride in doing a good job. Anyonecan paint, but taking that extra step to ensure theassigned job is completed with the best possible resultsis the difference in a job that really looks sharp and onethat just gets by.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. To find the responsibilities for cleaning andmaintaining spaces, you should refer to theCleaning, Preservation, and MaintenanceBill.A2.The compartment cleaner is responsible forcleaning living and berthing spaces18-20Student Notes:PAINT/FINISHSOLVENT/CLEANERNatural and synthetic oil-base paints and varnishes;chlorinated alkyd paintsTurpentine or mineralspiritsLatex emulsion paints WaterChlorinated rubber paints Synthetic enamel thinnerxyleneShellac Alcohol (denatured)Lacquer Lacquer thinner
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