A3. You should pick up and stow gear that has beenleft adrift. This reduces tripping and firehazards and keeps dewatering equipmentfrom clogging.A4.False. You should not sweep dirt and debris overthe side.A5. The three steps used in most detergent cleaning area. Wettingb. Scrubbingc. RinsingA6. The two types of deck covers are—a. Resilientb. NonslipREVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. W h e n wo r k i n g w i t h s o l ve n t s , t h e t e r mventilationmeans fresh air moving in andthrough the space with proper exhaust.A2. When handling acid or caustic cleaners, youshould wear the following protective equipment:a. Acid-resistant apronb. Face shield with gogglesc. Glovesd. BootsA3. Treat material and rags used to clean up a solventspill as HAZMAT material.A4. The two types of respirators used by Sailorswhen handling solvents—a. Air-purifyingb. Air-suppliedA5. Most fires in paint and solvent storage areas arecaused by vapor buildup.A6. Personnel who work in a compartment havingbad air might have one or all of the followingsymptoms.a. Dizzinessb. Headachec. Labored breathingd. Excessive fatigueREVIEW 3 ANSWERSA1. The most common hand tools used to removepaint and rust from small areas are—a. Sandpaperb. Wire brushc. Hand scraperA2. To prepare chipped edges of paint for painting,you should feather the edge of chipped paintwith sandpaper.A3. The two main reasons for a bad paint job are—a. Improper surface preparationb. Improper paint applicationA4. The four main essential ingredients in paintare—a. Pigmentb. Vehiclec. Drierd. ThinnerA5.At a minimum, two coats of primer should beapplied to bare metal.REVIEW 4 ANSWERSA1.The first sign of aluminum corrosion is a white,powdery residue.A2.True, old paint in good condition makes anexcellent base for repainting.A3. When painting small areas and cutting intocorners, you should use the sash tool brush.18-21
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