22. In addition to the possibility of fire, which ofthe following safety hazards may result ifpaint and solvent containers are not kepttightly closed?1. The area may become oxygen rich,causing light-headedness2. The paints and solvents may evaporate,causing loss of inventory3. The fumes and vapors may react with thedeck tile, causing it to become slippery4. The oxygen in the area may be displaced,causing a shortage that will not sustain life23. While inspecting containers of corrosivematerial being loaded aboard ship, you noticea dented can. What action should you take?1. Refuse to accept the damaged container2. Sign for the shipment but note thecondition of the can on the bill of lading3. Sign for the material, but store thedamaged container in a locker designed forflammable materials4. Circle the dent on the can with aninternational orange marker and use thecan first24. If you discover a leaking solvent containerwhile inspecting your storage area, which ofthe following actions should you take?1. Check for the type of solvent by readingthe contents label2. Immediately inform your supervisor3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Post a hazardous materials warning outsidethe area and notify the officer of the deck25. When transferring solvents from one containerto another, which of the following types ofequipment should you use?1. An electric transfer pump using 110 voltsac or less2. An electric transfer pump using 28 volts dcor less3. A battery-operated transfer pump4. A standard Navy transfer pump26. When at sea, which of the following methods isapproved for handling and disposing of emptysolvent containers?1. Retain all solvent containers onboard tofacilitate transfer in the event of damage toa stored container2. Stow the containers in a disposal storagearea until your next port of call; thendispose of them properly3. Puncture and discard the containers overthe fantail once outside the 12-mile limit4. Puncture and discard the containers overthe fantail once outside the 3-mile limit27. You are inspecting stored paint and solvents. Ifyou’re unsure whether a large batch of paint issuitable for use, you should take what action?1. Return paint over 2 years old to themanufacturer2. Forward a sample to the nearest Navytesting laboratory3. Paint a test area and observe the results4. Use the paint28. If you have which of the following symptoms,the compartment you’re working in mighthave bad air?1. Headache2. Dizziness3. Labored breathing4. All of the above29. While working in a closed space, a Sailor haslost consciousness. You should immediatelyenter the space to help your shipmate.1. True2. False30. To find the storage requirements for solvents,you should refer to what document?1. PMS2. MRC3. MSDS18-25
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