CHAPTER 10UNIFORMS AND FORMATIONSToday’s Navy has narrowed the gap between men’sand women’s career paths. Women now perform manyof the same tasks and have the same specialties as theirmale counterparts. These changes caused Navy uniformpolicy to change, bringing the uniforms of both men andwomen more closely in line with each other. Navyuniforms are distinctive visual evidence of the authorityand responsibility vested in their wearer by the UnitedStates.Because Navy ways are new to you, many questionsprobably have crossed your mind, such as, “What is thatofficer’s rank”? “What does that petty officer’s insigniamean”? “What does that pin stand for”? This chapterexplains officer grades; precedence; authority; theenlisted rating structure; and how to wear, mark, andexchange uniforms.The United States Navy has had a basic uniformpolicy for many years. The purpose of the uniformpolicy is to ensure that naval personnel have attractive,distinctive, and practical uniforms. U.S. Navy UniformRegulations,NAVPERS 15665, provides the basicnaval uniform policy. You can download the U.S. NavyUniform Regulations from the BUPERS homepage When you get to this page, selectthe “services” button and look under “uniform matters.”WEARING THE UNIFORMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize uniform components.Identify the proper procedures for wearinguniforms.Your dress and conduct should always reflect creditupon yourself, the Navy, and the United States. It shouldbe a matter of personal pride to present the best possibleappearance in your manner of dress and grooming.You are given a complete issue of regulationclothing when you enter the Navy. The maintenance ofyour uniform and the replacement of articles of clothingare your responsibility. You cannot use the excuse, “Ihave nothing fit to wear,” or “I’m out of clean uniforms.”ENLISTED MENLook at figures 10-1 and 10-2. Here, most enlisted(E-6 and below) men’s uniforms are shown. Uniformsmust be tailored according to the specifications in thefollowing paragraphs:The dress blue and dress white jumpers must hangstraight and be the same length. The sleeves of the dresswhite jumper are cut square at the cuff openings.The dress white trousers have a zipper front andare the same length as the blue trousers. A white beltwith a regulation buckle is worn with the white uniform.The belt should be of the same fabric as the uniform.The neckerchief is 36 inches square and made ofblack silk, acetate, or other suitable material. It is foldeddiagonally to form a triangle, then rolled (fig.10-3) andplaced around the neck under the collar. It is tied (fig.10-4) in a square knot with both ends of equal length andfalling naturally. The upper edge of the knot must beeven with the lowermost point of the collar opening.Neckerchiefs are worn with both the dress blue and thedress white uniforms. (NOTE: For enlisted womenneckerchiefs are worn with dress white uniform only.)Dress blue and dress white jumpers. The dress10-1You shall wear your uniforms properly as described in these regulations. Navalpersonnel must present a proud and professional appearance that will reflectpositively on the individual, the Navy, and the United States. The uniforms of theUnited States Navy and the indications of rank and specialty displayed thereon,are but outward symbols of naval organization and military rank or rating. Assuch, the Navy uniform is a visibly important element in the morale, pride,discipline and effectiveness of the organization.—U.S. Navy Uniform Regulations, NAVPERS 15665
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