10. The term honors is defined by which of thefollowing statements?1. Formal acts performed on public occasions2. Hand salutes rendered to high-rankingofficials3. Forms of recognition and respect from oneperson to another4. Salutes rendered by a ship, unit, post,station, or an individual to high-rankingindividuals, other ships, or nations11. Passing honors for ships are exchanged whenships pass within what distance?1. 200 yards2. 400 yards3. 600 yards4. 800 yards12. Passing honors for boats are exchanged whenboats pass within what distance?1. 200 yards2. 400 yards3. 600 yards4. 800 yards13. Your ship is about to render honors to anothership passing close aboard to starboard. In whatorder are the appropriate whistle signalsgiven?1. One blast, one blast, two blasts, threeblasts2. One blast, one blast, three blasts, one blast3. Two blasts, two blasts, two blasts, threeblasts4. Two blasts, two blasts, three blasts, threeblasts14. A crew is paraded at quarters on which of thefollowing occasions?1. When the ship is entering a U.S. port foran operational visit2. When the ship is returning from anextended deployment3. When the ship is entering home port froma local operation4. Each of the above15. Gun salutes are normally fired at what timeinterval?1. 5 seconds2. 10 seconds3. 15 seconds4. 20 seconds16. On which of the following special occasions isa 21-gun salute fired at 1-minute intervals?1. Memorial Day2. President’s Day3. Independence Day4. Each of the above17. Which of the following phrases defines theterm ceremony?1. A regular, expected action2. A way of acting3. A formal act performed on a publicoccasion4. Each of the above18. Aboard ship, how many minutes beforemorning and evening colors is the PREPpennant hoisted?1. 1 minute2. 3 minutes3. 5 minutes4. 7 minutes19. On Navy ships not under way, where is theunion jack displayed?1. The highest possible point2. The flagstaff on the stern3. The jack staff on the bow4. The gaff20. A commissioning or command pennant ishalf-masted only under which, if any, of thefollowing conditions?1. When passing Washington’s tomb betweensunrise and sunset2. When passing the Arizona Memorial3. When the commanding officer or unitcommander dies4. None of the above9-22
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