CHAPTER COMPREHENSIVE TEST1. Which of the following characteristics define acustom?1. An act that is continued consistently over along period of time2. A well-defined and uniformly followed act3. A generally accepted act not opposed to astatute, lawful regulation, or order4. All of the above2. Of the following salutes, which one is themost common?1. Gun2. Hand3. Rifle4. Ruffles and flourishes3. When in uniform, Navy personnel are requiredto salute when which of the followingsituations occurs?1. Meeting officers2. Hearing the national anthem3. Approaching the national ensign4. Each of the above4. In a normal situation, how many paces fromthe person being saluted should the handsalute be rendered?1. Two2. Four3. Six4. Eight5. You may salute with your left hand whenwhich of the following situations occurs?1. When in civilian dress2. When in uniform but uncovered3. When in complete uniform and your righthand is injured4. Each of the above6. Salutes are rendered to all officers of the U.S.and foreign armed services. Officers belongingto which of the following organizations arealso entitled to salutes?1. Local police departments2. National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration3. Public Health Service4. Both 2 and 3 above7. When going aboard ship that’s flying thenational ensign, you must stop on the upperplatform on the accommodation ladder or theshipboard end of the brow and take which ofthe following actions first?1. Face the national ensign and salute2. Face the brow of the ship and salute3. Face the officer of the deck and salute4. Face the petty officer of the watch andsalute8. While standing a sentry box, you areapproached by an officer. What type of riflesalute should you render?1. Present arms2. At order arms3. At shoulder arms9. You are not required to salute in which of thefollowing situations?1. When standing and talking with an officerand a senior officer approaches2. When guarding prisoners and an officerpasses within saluting distance3. When standing at a bus stop and a carpasses carrying officers4. When walking and passing an officergoing in the same direction9-21
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