SUMMARYCustoms and courtesies play an integral part of theseafarer’s life. Through them, we show respect for eachother and for certain symbols or objects, such as theAmerican flag. When we address the commandingofficer as captain, even though he or she holds the rankof commander, we are using a time-honored custom ofrespect for the person in command.The courtesy of the salute is not only the requiredrecognition of a senior but also the expression of mutualrespect and pride in service. The courtesy of renderinghonors to the Arizona Memorial and Washington’stomb is a sign of respect. The custom of officerpersonnel boarding ships’ boats after enlisted personnelis another sign of respect. The customs and courtesies ofremoving your hat indoors or in the presence of a lady,of rendering honors to the national ensign, and ofplaying the national anthem at morning and eveningcolors are also signs of respect. Our customs andcourtesies will continue to be a part of our daily routineas long as we maintain pride and respect in our Nation,our service, and ourselves.REVIEW 1 ANSWERSA1. Define the following terms.a.Courtesy—an act or verbal expression ofconsideration or respect for othersb.Custom—a usual way of acting in asituation that has been practiced so longthat it has the force of lawA2.A salute is a required act of military courtesy.A3.The hand saluteis the most common form ofsalute.A4. When in uniform, Navy personnel salute theflag, anthem, and officers.A5.True, under naval customs, the hand salute isaccompanied by a word of greeting.A6.As an enlisted person, you should salute allofficers.A7. When boarding a ship in which the nationalensign is flying, you should—a.Stop on reaching the upper platform of theaccommodation ladder or end of browb.Face the ensign and salutec.Salute the OODA8. As a sentry at a gangway, you should render asalute—a.To all officers going or coming over the sideb.When passing or being passed by officersclose aboard in boatsA9. The three rifle salutes are—a.Present armsb.Rifle salute at order armsc.Rifle salute at right shoulder armsA10.Honors aresalutes rendered to ships,high-ranking individuals, and nations.A11.Manning the rail is a passing honor rendered tothe President of the United States.A12. A ruler of a country recognized by the UnitedStates rates a 21-gun salute.REVIEW 2 ANSWERSA1. Hoisting and lowering the national flag at 0800and sunset are known as morning colors andevening colors.A2.Shifting the colors—as a ship gets underway,the ensign is shifted from its in-port positionon the stern to its at-sea position on themainmast.A3. N a t i o n a l f l a g s f l ow n a t h a l f - m a s t a r einternationally recognized symbols ofmourning.9-19Student Notes:
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