should cover the shoes at the heel by 1 inch.Working uniforms. Working uniforms consist ofbelted blue slacks or skirt and blue winter shirt.Dungarees (fig. 10-6) are also authorized. Black socks,a garrison cap, black service shoes, and a black handbagmay be worn with each. Command ball caps, berets, andthe blue cardigan are other items that may be prescribed.Shoes. Black dress shoes are pumps made ofsmooth leather, calf, or synthetic leather. They will be ofplain design with closed heels and toes. The heels willbe no higher than 2 5/8 inches nor less than 5/8 inchwhen measured from the forward edge of the heel.Wedge heels are not authorized. The black service shoeswill be laced leather or synthetic oxfords with one lineof black stitching around the top of the toe.Hat. The combination hat may be worn with alldress uniforms. It is oval in shape, with a stiffenedcrown. The brim is rolled at the sides and straight infront and back. The hat is worn with a detachable whitehat cover. Enlisted women E-6 and below may wear thegarrison cap as an option with blues only when wearingthe black v-neck sweater instead of the service dressblue coat. As with the enlisted male E-6 and below,command or navy ball caps are only authorized withdungaree uniforms.UNIFORM OF THE DAYThe uniform of the day is that uniform prescribed byproper authority to be worn on occasions such as work,liberty, and inspections. The prescribed uniform of theday is published in the Plan of the Day or the Plan of theWeek. Wear your uniform with pride in self, the Navy,and the United States.REVIEW 1 QUESTIONSQ1. What is the length of the dress blue jumper formen?Q2. What uniform should enlisted women E-1t h r o u g h E - 6 w e a r w i t h t h e b l a c k s i l kneckerchief?10-6Student Notes:Figure 10-6.—Enlisted women’s uniforms (continued).
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