10-7Q3. When wearing a peacoat over a dress bluejumper uniform, the uniform collar should be—Q4. When added to a service dress white uniform,what uniform component makes the servicedress white uniform a full dress uniform?PROPER CARE OF UNIFORMSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the methods for caring for andmaintaining uniforms to include markingenlisted clothing and transferring clothing.Identify the contents and layout of the seabag.Identify the uniform components that can beworn with civilian clothes and recognize therules for wearing civilian clothes.All Navy personnel must maintain their fullrequirement of authorized uniforms and are forbiddento possess or wear unauthorized uniforms. Divisionofficers are required to inspect the uniforms of allnonrated personnel at regular intervals. The purpose ofthe inspection is to make sure that each person has theprescribed outfit. Insignia, decorations, medals, badges,and ribbons are worn as prescribed. All uniforms mustbe kept scrupulously clean; gold bullion lace, devices,and insignia must be kept free of tarnish and corrosion.Shoes should be kept well shined and in good repair.You should not wear a uniform if any of thefollowing conditions exist:Frayed, torn, ill fitting, badly wrinkled, badlystained, or dirty uniforms. (A little leeway ispermitted in the dungaree uniform, but if it isd a m a g e d b e y o n d t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f aprofessional-looking repair, the item of clothingshould be discarded.)Discolored or frayed piping.Missing buttons.Cracked, badly stained, or nonregulation shoes.Badly faded, discolored, or frayed ribbons orrate/rating badges; tarnished or corroded metaldevices.You may not wear any uniform, article, insignia, ordecoration that is not yours or to which you are notentitled.Further, you should not wear a uniform in thefollowing manner:Unbuttoned coatsRolled up sleeves, hat not squared, cuffsunbuttoned, or shirttails hanging outIncomplete or nonregulation uniformsMARKING ENLISTED CLOTHINGYou should mark your clothing legibly with yourname and social security number. Use black markingfluid for marking white clothing and chambray shirts.Use white marking fluid for marking blue clothes anddungaree trousers. Where labels are provided, markthem with indelible ink.If available, men’s and women’s clothing should bemarked with a 1/2-inch stencil or stamp. If a 1/2-inchstamp is not available, a stencil no larger than 1 inch maybe used.Required items of men’s and women’s clothing(tables 10-1 and 10-2) are marked according to currentNavy uniform regulations and as indicated in the chartshown below. Where the word right or left appears inmarking instructions, it means the owner’s right or leftwhen wearing the garment. On towels and similararticles, it means the owner’s right or left when standingbehind the article.Student Notes:
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