1,000 flying hours are logged on an F-14Tomcat’s engines—these engines should havebeen replaced after 750 hours.The USS Missouri (BB-63) fired 400 rounds of16" projectiles in practice but deployed with only20 rounds on board.Both of these situations were avoidable. Thedivision concerned should have kept up-to-date files.You are aboard a ship under way in the NorthAtlantic. Think about going on a lookout watch atmidnight in December. You arrive for watch at theprescribed time to find no foul weather gear available.The person responsible for maintaining an inventory ofspecial gear didn’t do the inventory because he/shedidn’t think it was that important last June in sunnyFlorida.You must remember that besides your division, theentire crew and even the ship itself may depend on howwell you maintain your assigned logs and files.3-M SYSTEMSLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recognize the concepts of the 3-M Systems.Identify the basic procedures used in the 3-MSystems.Equipment must be cared for. One way to take careof equipment is through preventive maintenance.Preventive maintenance is maintenance done before aproblem exists. The Navy has procedures (ways to dothings) and schedules for accomplishing (doing)preventive maintenance. These procedures andschedules are part of the Maintenance and MaterialManagement Systems—the 3-M Systems. Theobjectives of the 3-M Systems are shown below.Maintain equipment at maximum operatingefficiencyReduce equipment downtimeReduce the cost of maintenance in both moneyand man-hoursProvide data on the expenditures of spare parts,failure rates, man-hours expended, and otherinformation directly related to maintenanceEssentially, the 3-M Systems is used to improve thematerial readiness of the fleet. The main feature of the3-M Systems you will be concerned with is the plannedmaintenance system (PMS).PMS simplifies maintenance procedures by—Defining the maintenance required,Scheduling its performance,Describing the tools and methods to be used, andProviding for the detection and prevention ofimpending casualties.Your department head uses PMS to manage,schedule, and control the maintenance of assignedequipment. The components (parts) of the PMS are—PMS manual,Cycle, quarterly, and weekly maintenanceschedules; andMaintenance requirements cards (MRCs).PMS also provides a good foundation for training inequipment operation and maintenance. As you becomemore familiar with your shipboard duties and areassigned the responsibility for equipment maintenance,PMS will play a big part in your daily activities on thejob.REVIEW 6 QUESTIONSQ1. What type of documents would require the CO’spersonal signature?Q2. Where can you find a list of command personnelthat has signature authority to sign commandcorrespondence?16-23Student Notes:
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