Q3. What does 3-M stand for?Q4. What are the objectives of the 3-M system?a.b.c.d.PERSONNEL QUALIFICATIONSTANDARDS (PQS) PROGRAMLearning Objectives: When you finish thischapter, you will be able to—Recognize the purpose of the PQS program.Identify the provisions of the PQS program.The PQS program is a way you can qualify toperform your assigned duties. A personnel qualificationstandard (PQS) is a written list of knowledges and skillsyou must have to—Qualify for a specific watch station,Maintain a specific equipment or system, orPerform as a team member within an assignedunit.Most PQS standards are divided into threesections—Fundamentals, Systems, and Watch Stations.The 100 Series. The Fundamentals sectioncontains the facts, principles, and fundamentals aboutthe subject you are qualifying for.The 200 Series. The Systems section deals with themajor working parts of the installation, organization, orequipment the PQS is concerned with.The 300 Series. The Watch Stations sectiondefines the actual duties, assignments, andresponsibilities you must perform to obtain yourqualification. The Watch Stations section also containsspaces for your supervisor’s or qualifying officer’ssignature once you have proved your abilities.If you have any questions about PQS in general or aspecific PQS, see your supervisor or training pettyofficer.TRAINING AND EDUCATIONLearning Objectives: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Identify the duties of the educational servicesofficer (ESO).Recognize the purpose of various types oftraining to include on-the job training (OJT),general military training (GMT), and variousNavy schools.Recognize the purpose of distance education.Recall the incentives for reenlistment, education,and special duty.The Navy offers you training and education. If youtake advantage of various programs the Navy offers,you can increase your knowledge and skills. Byincreasing your knowledges and skills, you are morevaluable to the Navy, civilian employers, and yourself.Training and education are closely related. Thefollowing are definitions of these terms as used in thischapter:Training. Training is being taught skills directed tospecific tasks. Training is usually based onknowledge you already have. Usually, Navytraining refers to those things related to your job orNavy skills.Education. Education is being taught broad, general,and specific knowledge. This knowledge preparesyou for the specific skills you will receive throughtraining. Education refers to schooling not directlyrelated to your naval career. Because of that,education programs are sometimes referred to asoff-duty educational opportunities.16-24Student Notes:
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