obligate for 6 years’ active duty. While attendingcollege, you may compete for advancement.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. What are the three sections that PQS is dividedinto?a.b.c.Q2. To find a list of Navy TRAMANs, you wouldrefer to the ______________________ on theweb at________________________________.Q3. What type of training are you receiving whenyou’re learning a skill while working?Q4. What type of training is recruit training?Q5. List the different classifications of Navy schools.a.b.c.d.e.f.Q6. What program does the Navy offer to helpSailors earn a high school diploma or improvetheir skills and military performance?Q7. What financial program does the Navy have tohelp Sailors with their off-duty education?Q8. What type of services does DANTES provide?PROGRAMS LEADING TO A NAVALCOMMISSIONLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the programs that can lead to a Navycommission.Navy personnel may follow many paths to a Navycommission. Certain enlisted men and women who areoutstanding performers may qualify for acommissioning program. This section briefly describesthe Navy’s basic commissioning programs.NAVAL ACADEMYEach year, the Secretary of the Navy may appointthe following to the Naval Academy at Annapolis,Maryland:85 enlisted men and women from the RegularNavy or Regular Marine Corps and85 enlisted men and women from the Naval orMarine Corps Reserve (active or inactive)Those who are appointed receive a fully subsidizedundergraduate education that leads to a commission inthe Navy or the Marine Corps.Students at the Naval Academy are appointed asmidshipmen, U.S. Navy. They receive pay equal toabout one-half an ensign’s basic monthly pay, plustuition, room, and board. Upon graduation, they are16-28Student Notes:
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