is small. The Board is not interested in your civilian life,but how you performed while in the Navy.When you leave the Navy, you want to do so with anhonorable discharge. An honorable discharge has manyadvantages for you throughout your life. Some of theimmediate advantages are the entitlements to variousveterans’ benefits and rights. When you apply for a jobor for entry to a school or college, you will find anhonorable discharge is advantageous, and, in manyinstances, an absolute necessity. Most important of all,and vital for your future self-respect and peace of mind,is the knowledge that your service to your country wasup to standard.Receiving an honorable or general discharge makesyou eligible for all federal benefits (and they areconsiderable). Receiving a dishonorable or bad conductdischarge by a general court-martial disqualifies you forany benefits. A bad conduct discharge from a specialcourt-martial even disqualifies you for any militarybenefits such as transportation home or payment foraccrued leave. A bad conduct discharge bars you fromreceiving civil service employment preference,reemployment rights, or other related benefits. TheVeterans’ Administration decides your entitlement toveterans’ benefits on an individual basis.Failing to receive an honorable discharge also hasconsequences of a more personal and far-reachingnature. You bring shame to your family. You will havedifficulty explaining your dishonorable or bad conductdischarge to friends who have honorable militaryservice. You will have difficulty getting good jobs andgetting accepted into good schools. Everybody knowsthe Navy does not give bad conduct discharges exceptfor serious or repeated offenses. Thus, you may have ahard time proving that people can trust you as a friend orto do a job.Receiving an honorable discharge means you canface the world proudly and secure in the knowledge thatyour years served in the Navy were well spent. On theother hand, receiving a dishonorable or bad conductdischarge means you must admit to wasted years in theNavy. It means you failed in your duty to your countryand in meeting the high standards of the Navy.NAVY GOOD CONDUCT MEDALLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the requirements for the Good ConductMedal.You may earn many awards while you are in theNavy. One of the most important of these awards is theNavy Good Conduct Medal. That medal is the highestprecedence award among the campaign and serviceawards.Make every effort to earn the Navy Good ConductMedal. Earning that award can affect your promotion.Meeting the requirements for the Navy Good ConductMedal means you also meet the requirements forreenlistment, overseas duty, certain Navy schools, andNavy commissioning programs.Your CO can recommend you for a Navy GoodConduct Medal as a reward for 3 years of good conduct.REVIEW 9 QUESTIONSQ1. List the five types of discharges the Navy gives.a.b.c.d.e.Q2. When getting out of the Navy with less than 8years of service, you are _________ from navalservice instead of discharged.16-32Student Notes:
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