b. Systemsc. Watch stationsA2. To find a list of Navy TRAMANs, you wouldrefer to the Catalog of Nonresident TrainingCourses on the web at http://www.cnet.navy.mil/netpdtc/nac/neas.htm.A3. When you’re learning a skill while working, youare receiving on-the-job (OJT) training.A4. Recruit training is General Military Training(GMT) and a class “R” school.A5. Different Navy schools include—a. Class “R”b. Class “A”c. Class “C”d. Class “F”e. Class “P”f. Class “V”A6. The Basic Skills Program offers Sailors achance to earn a high school diploma or improvetheir skills and military performance.A7. The Tuition Assistance Program is the Navy’sfinancial program that helps Sailors with theiroff-duty education.A8. DANTESoffersexaminationsandcertification programs, operates anindependent study support system, andprovides other support and developmentactivities.REVIEW 8 ANSWERSA1. The Secretary of the Navy can appoint thefollowing enlisted personnel to the NavalAcademy:a. 85 Regular Navy or Regular Marine Corpsb. 85 Naval or Marine Corps Reserve (activeor inactive)A2. The maximum time allowed to attend collegeon the NROTC program is 40 months.A3. The BOOST program was intended for Sailorswho meet all the requirements for the NavalAcademy or NROTC program except foracademics and people who have beeneducationally deprived.A4. The major requirement to be eligible for theEnlisted Commissioning Program is thecandidate must be able to complete abaccalaureate degree within 2 years.A5. The two programs that can lead to an enlistedmember being commissioned are—a. Chief Warrant Officerb. Limited Duty OfficerREVIEW 9 ANSWERSA1. The five types of discharge are—a. Honorableb. Generalc. Other than Honorabled. Bad Conducte. DishonorableA2. When getting out of the Navy with less than 8years of service, you are separated from navalservice instead of discharged.A3. Some advantages of having an honorabledischarge from the Navy include—a. Entitlements to various veterans’ benefitsand rightsb. Job preferencesc. Entry into a school or collegeA4. DELETE.16-36
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