partially penetrated by all but the smallest droplets ofliquid agents, especially in relatively high winds.Moreover, the impregnated/protective clothing is notequally efficient in neutralizing all liquid CW agents.On the other hand, wet-weather clothing is resistant toall liquid CW agents for a limited amount of time,provided that the closures at the neck, wrists, andprotective mask are well adjusted or taped.Wet-weather clothing provides a measure ofprotection against CBR contaminants when worn overordinary clothing; but it provides the most completeprotection when worn over impregnated or protectiveclothing. Gradual penetration of the synthetic rubberlayer of the wet-weather clothing will eventually occurunless CW agent contaminants are promptly removed.The contaminants are removed by frequent andthorough flushing of the surface with a seawaterwashdown or an equivalent, such as jury-rigged topsideseawater showers, or by swabbing with liquidhypochlorite.In warm weather or during periods of increasedphysical activity, wet-weather clothing has a majordisadvantage in that it can only be tolerated forrelatively short periods of time. Tolerance is limitedbecause no air can pass through the clothing to cool thewearer’s body by the evaporation of perspiration.Perspiration is normally accumulated inside animpermeable suit. Underclothing, gloves, socks, andshoes may become saturated. Sweating can be reducedand tolerance times lengthened by reducing the exerciserate, by using water-spray cooling, and by reducingexposure to direct sunlight.Ordinary Work ClothingSpecial protective clothing is not required for allpersonnel. Ordinarily, only the personnel of monitoringand decontamination teams who must work in or nearhazardous areas wear it. All other personnel workingnear these areas should wear two layers of ordinaryclothing, which provide partial protection againstagents and radioactive particles.REVIEW 5 QUESTIONSQ1. True or false. Eating food after a CBR attack isokay as long as the food was in a sealed containerbefore the attack.Q2. Aboard ship, the safest place to be during anuclear attack is ____________________.Q3. What are the two functions of an MCU-2/Pmask?a.b.Q4. How long should it take you to don and adjust anMCU-2/P mask?Q5. List the types of clothing that are useful for CBRdefense.a.b.MISSION ORIENTED PROTECTIVEPOSTURE (MOPP)Learning Objective: When you finish this chapter,you will be able to—Recall the procedures for protection at each levelof mission oriented protective posture (MOPP).Mission oriented protective posture (MOPP) is ameans of establishing levels of readiness. MOPP is aflexible system of protection against chemical agents13-21Student Notes:
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