CW detection equipment used by Navy personnelinclude the portable AN/KAS-1A chemical warfaredirectional detector (CWDD) and the permanentchemical agent point detector system (CAPDS). No onepiece of equipment can detect all CW agents, which iswhy the Navy uses several different methods of CWdetection.M256A1 detector kits are used to check areassuspected of being contaminated, to test an area afterdecontamination operations, and to indicate whenmasks might be removed. The kits are not designed toindicate when it is necessary to don (put on) gas masks.REVIEW 4 QUESTIONSQ1. A survey team consists of—a.b.c.Q2. What are the two types of surveys?a.b.Q3. Biological markers are (a) what color with (b)what color inscription?a.b.Q4. To calculate safe entry time and stay time in aradiologically contaminated area, you need whattwo measurements?a.b.Q5. Describe the only known method for detectingBW contaminants.Q6. To check areas suspected of being contaminatedby CW agents, you should use what kit?CBR DEFENSE PROTECTIVEMEASURESLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Recognize the procedures to follow in case of aCBR attack.For a ship or shore activity to be able to continue itsmission after a CW, BW, or nuclear attack, personnelmust be protected. Protective measures include bothindividual and group actions. Individual protection is animmediate concern. What you do in the first fewmoments of a CW, BW, or nuclear attack may keep youalive!WHAT TO DO IN A CBR ATTACKIn a nuclear attack, defensive measures are muchthe same as the general damage control precautionstaken against any explosion. These measures are to keepthings squared away, maintain watertight integrity,make repairs as quickly as possible, protect yourselfwith your clothing and protective mask, be ready tofight fires ignited by the blast, and be ready toadminister first aid to shipmates who are injured orburned. What you learned about damage control andfirefighting in chapter 12 also applies to the damage andfires caused by nuclear weapons.General Precautions to Follow in a CBRAttackAs soon as the initial effects of the explosion areover, you should then take the following precautions:1. Put on your mask immediately or cover yournose and mouth with a handkerchief or cloth.13-17Student Notes:
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