and is used in CW defense to help accomplish the
The MOPP doesnt require that personnel wear
protective clothing all the time. Duty requirements,
body heat buildup, and basic human needs will prevent
you from using full protective equipment for an infinite
period of time. The MOPP does, however, give the CO
the option of no protection to full protection, depending
on the threat to the ship.
All operations are conducted under the MOPP
system, even when there is no threat. There are four
levels of MOPPfrom Level-1, the least protection, to
Level-4, the most protection.
MOPP Level-1
1. Individual protective equipment and medical
supply items are issued to shipboard personnel
and maintained at respective battle stations.
Protective masks are fitted for immediate use.
2. Inventory stowed chemical/biological defense
equipment and supplies.
3. Set readiness Condition III and material
condition YOKE, if not already set.
MOPP Level-2
1. For both chemical and biological threats,
protective mask is in a carrier and worn on the
2. Preposition decontamination supplies in decon
stations and at repair lockers. Preposition
stowed detection and monitoring equipment,
supplies, and empty canteens as specified in the
ships CBR Defense Bill.
3. Set material condition ZEBRA (modified).
MOPP Level-3
1. Install new filter canisters on protective masks,
maintain in a carrier and on the person. Provide
wet-weather gear for donning over other
protective clothing and equipment for weather
deck activities. Don overgarment trousers and
coat with hood down. Don chemical-protective
overboots. Stow personnel decontamination kit
in mask carrier. Stow chemical-protective glove
set and medical supply items in pocket on
overgarment coat. Initiate pyridostigmine
pretreatment regimen.
2. Go to general quarters (GQ) (readiness
Condition I may be relaxed and readiness
Condition II set at COs discretion); set material
condition ZEBRA.
3. Fill prepositioned canteens with potable water.
4. Activate decontamination stations and
contamination control areas (CCAs) and assure
operability. Post detection and monitoring
5. Post and monitor detection equipment and
materials as designated by the ships CBR
Defense Bill.
6. Activate countermeasures washdown system
MOPP Level-4
1. Don protective mask and secure hood over head
and around mask. Don chemical-protective
glove set.
2. Direct ship to GQ (if not previously in effect).
3. Initiate continuous monitoring and operation of
detection equipment.
5. Activate countermeasures washdown system to
operate continuously.
The setting of MOPP levels may be different at
various locations around the ship. This depends on the
mission, work rate, and heat buildup in these battle
station areas (engine rooms, combat information center,
flight deck, and so on).
Q1. What does the acronym MOPP stand for?
Q2. There are how many levels of MOPP?
Student Notes: