M291 Decontamination Kit. The purpose of theM291 decontamination kit is to decontaminate skin andselected personnel equipment contaminated withchemical agents. The kit contains six sealed foilpackets, enough for three complete skin applications.Each packet contains a folded applicator pad with ahandle on one side. The pad is filled with the blackdecontaminating powder, which is a reactive andabsorbent resin that is not toxic but may be slightlyirritating to the skin or eyes.New and/or improved CBR defense anddecontamination kits, clothing, and equipment arebeing introduced rapidly. Check with your supervisor tosee if any new or improved articles are available.Atropine and oxime are used to counteract theeffects of and to relieve the symptoms of nerve agentsonly. At the appropriate level of readiness, each crewmember will be issued three atropine autoinjectors andtwo oxime autoinjectors. To use the injectors, removethe safety caps and press the injectors against the thighor buttocks. The pressure on the end of the injectorcauses the automatic injection of the contents. As soonas the symptoms of nerve agent poisoning are noticed,immediately inject one atropine autoinjector and oneoxime autoinjector. Wait 10 to 15 minutes; if symptomsare still present, inject another atropine and oximeautoinjector.CAUTIONUse atropine and oxime only against nerveagents.THE COLLECTIVE PROTECTIONSYSTEMLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify the purpose and use of the collectiveprotection system (CPS) decontaminationstation.The collective protection system (CPS) protectsspecific areas of the ship from the effects of CBRcontamination by filtering the air supply andmaintaining an overpressure to prevent the penetrationof contaminants. The system is divided into twoprotection zones:1. The total protection (TP) zone, which provides apressurized, toxic-free environment2. The limited protection (LP) zone, which isn’tpressurized and doesn’t provide protectionagainst gaseous chemical agentsThe extent of CPS coverage varies. Some shipshave only one or two TP zones and no LP zones. Otherships may have different numbers of protection zones.The level of protection is determined by the ship’smission, operational requirements, and the overall costof installation. The following are the three levels ofprotection:Level I—the shelter envelope. Level I providesprotection for messing, berthing, sanitary, and battledressing functions for 40% of the crew.Level II—the minimum operational protectionenvelope. Level II provides at least the same protectionas level I, but also includes protection for keyoperational functions.Level III—the maximum operational protectionenvelope. Level III provides sufficient protection of theship for mission requirements, but does not includelaunching aircraft or troops.REVIEW 7 QUESTIONSQ1. There are how many levels of decontamination?Q2. Describe the primary purpose of level 1decontamination.Q3. What are the two types of contaminationhazards?a.b.13-26Student Notes:
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