d. Subsurface burst
A2. Residual radiation is more dangerous than initial
radiation because residual radiation is caused
by large amounts of surface material drawn
up into the cloud, which falls back to earth as
radioactive fallout and affects a large area.
A3. A secondary blast can cause injuries by its
strong winds that collapse structures and
A4. Nuclear radiation hazards include
a. Alpha particles
b. Beta particles
c. Gamma rays
d. Neutrons
A5. The measures that should be taken to protect
electronic equipment from the effects of EMP
a. Metal shielding
b. Good grounding
c. Surge arresters
d. Proper arrangement of electrical wiring
A1. A survey team consists of a
a. Monitor, a
b. Recorder, and a
c. Messenger
A2. The two types of surveys include
a. Rapid and
b. Detailed
A3. Biological markers are (a) blue and have (b) a
red inscription.
A4. To calculate safe entry time and stay time in a
radiologically contaminated area, you need to
know the
a. Dose rate
b. Dose
A5. The only known method for detecting BW
contaminants is to gather samples and ship
them to a laboratory.
A6. To check areas suspected of being contaminated
by CW agents, you should use an M256A1 kit.
A1. False, eating food after a CBR attack is not okay.
A2. Aboard ship, the safest place to be during a
nuclear attack is below the main deck.
A3. The two functions of an MCU-2/P mask are to
a. Filter air
b. Purify
A4. It should take you 10 seconds to don and adjust
an MCU-2/P mask.
A5. The types of clothing that are useful for CBR
defense are
a. Wet-weather clothes
b. Ordinary work clothes
A1. The acronym MOPP stands for Mission
Oriented Protective Posture.
A2. There are four MOPP levels.
A3. MOPP level 4 provides the most protection.
A4. At MOPP level 2 material condition ZEBRA
(modified) is set.