Decatur, Stephen, 5-7
Deck, safety procedures, 19-6
Deck seamanship, 7-2
accommodation ladder, 7-3
anchors, 7-2
booms, 7-6
fittings, 7-6
mooring lines, 7-3
windlasses, 7-3
Deck covers, 18-3
Deck logs, 3-1
Department of Defense, 6-1
Department of the Navy, 6-1
operating forces, 6-4
Shore Establishment, 6-4
Destroyers, 5-15, 5-19, 8-18
Discharge, types of, 16-30
Discipline, purpose of, 2-4
Discrimination complaint procedures, 1-17
Dog tags, 10-28
Drill and formations, 10-31
Duties of,
commanding officer, 6-9
department head, 6-10
division officer, 6-10
executive officer, 6-9
Duty preference, 16-10
Duty Preference Form, NAVPERS 13-6/63, 16-10
Duty, types of, 16-9
Electrical/electronic equipment, safety procedures,
Electromagnetic pulse (EMP), 13-12
Ellyson, TG, 5-16
EEBD, 12-14
Emergency escape breathing device, 12-14
Emergency signals, 4-21
EMP, 13-12
Energy Conservation Program, 1-4
Engineer officer, 12-3
Enlisted career structure, 16-3
designated strikers, 16-4
general ratings, 16-3
naval standards (NAVSTDs), 16-5
Navy Enlisted Advancement system (NEAS), 16-4
occupational standards (OCCSTDs), 16-5
path of advancement, 16-3
service ratings, 16-4
Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record,
submission and disposition of, 16-14
traits to be evaluated, 16-13
Enlisted Qualifications History, NAVPERS 1070/604
Enlisted Service Record, NAVPERS 1070/600,16-15
Environmental pollution control, 1-1
Equal opportunity, 1-14
command managed equal opportunity, 1-14
discrimination complaints, 1-17
duty assignments, 1-15
equal opportunity off base, 1-16
housing, 1-16
insensitive practices, 1-15
military justice, 1-15
performance evals, 1-15
professional training and advancement, 1-15
service and recreational facilities, 1-16
Equipment, survival, 15-4
life boats, 15-8
life preserver, inherently buoyant type, 15-5
life preserver, inflatable type, 15-6
signal equipment, 15-9