Q2. List the three basic material conditions ofreadiness.a.b.c.Q3. What material condition provides the leastamount of watertightness?Q4. When is YOKE normally set?Q5. What material condition is set when GQ issounded?Q6. What fittings are closed to set darken ship?Q7. To find a list of all DC fittings within acompartment, you should refer to—LIFE SUPPORT EQUIPMENTLearning Objective: When you finish this chapter, youwill be able to—Identify life support equipment used aboardship.All life support devices discussed in this chapter aredesigned to allow the wearers to breath (and thereby toescape), continue work, and assist in saving the ship andtheir fellow crew members. Remember that the crewmust save the ship or no one will be saved. Therefore,the purpose of this section of the chapter is to provideyou with information on the emergency escapebreathing device (EEBD), supplemental emergencyegress device (SEED), oxygen breathing apparatus(OBA), and self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA).EMERGENCY ESCAPE BREATHINGDEVICE (EEBD)Studies of fire casualties have proven that mostcasualties are the result of smoke and toxic fumes andnot from the fire itself. For this reason, the EEBD (fig.12-3) was developed for emergency escape. It providesthe wearer with 15 minutes of breathable air. It is to beworn until you can get topside during evacuation frombelow deck spaces. The EEBD is designed to providerespiratory and eye protection in an atmosphere that willnot support life. With the proper training you should beable to activate and don an EEBD in less than 30seconds.12-14Student Notes:Figure 12-3. —emergency escape breathing device (EEBD)
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