effects of on ships, 13-11
Nuclear warfare, 13-1, 13-7
decontamination, 13-23
effects of, 13-10
effects of on ships and shipboard systems, 13-11
protective measures, 13-17
radiation detection, 13-14
Nylon line, 7-13
OBA, 12-16
Organic cleaning solvents, 18-10
administration, 6-7
aircraft squadron, 6-12
battle, 6-7, 12-6
naval, 6-1
Overseas Duty Support Program, 1-5
Oxygen breathing apparatus, 12-16
.9mm caliber pistol, 11-13
loading of, 11-13
safety devices, 11-13
unloading of, 11-14
P-100 pump, 12-25
Paint, types of, 18-13
Painting, 18-17 through 18-20
brushes and rollers, care of, 18-19
issue of, 18-17
safety precautions, 18-16, 19-10
surfaces to paint, 18-15
types of, 17-1
Perry, Matthew Calbraith, 5-9
Perry, Olilver Hazzard, 5-8
Personal conduct, 2-1
Personal protective equipollent, 19-28
Phonetic alphabet, 4-1
PQS, 16-24
Pregnancy and dependent care, Navys policy on, 1-8
family care, 1-10
pregnancy, 1-8
Preservation, 18-11
prepare the surface for, 18-11
Pressure points, 14-13
Privateers, 5-5
Programs and Policies, 1-1 through 1-32
alcohol and drug, policies on, 1-13
Energy Conservation Program, 1-4
equal opportunity, 1-14
environmental pollution control, 1-1
Family Ombudsman Program, 1-23
fraternization, Navys policy on, 1-22
hazing, Navys policy on, 1-17
Health and Physical Readiness Program, 1-8
Inspector General, role of, 1-13
Integrity and Efficiency Program, 1-11
Military Cash Awards Program, 1-7
Navy Sponsor Program, 1-5
Overseas Duty Support Program, 1-5
pregnancy and dependent care, Navys policy on,
Privacy Act, provisions of, 1-13
Public Affairs and Community Relations Program,
Reenlistment Quality Control Program, 1-23
sexual harassment, 1-19
standards of conduct and professional ethics, 1-12
voting procedures, state and national, 1-24
Punishment, 2-5