knots, bends, and hitches, 7-15nylon line, 7-13securing for sea, 7-19splices, 7-18whippings, 7-14wire rope, 7-14Material conditions of readiness, 12-11Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 19-2Merchant Marine, 20-8Military customs and courtesies, 9-1Military ceremonies, 9-11 through 9-15boarding and leaving a naval vessel, 9-14colors, 9-11half-masting the ensign, 9-12national anthem and flag honors, 9-13etiquette, 9-15 through 9-19Military Cash Awards Program, 1-7Military Conduct and Justice, 2-1 through 2-45Code of Conduct, 2-2military police, 2-3personal conduct, 2-1punishment, 2-5purpose of discipline, 2-4Regulations that govern the U.S Navy, 2-6Money, management of, 17-6ATM cards, 17-9budgeting, 17-11checking account, 17-7credit, 17-13debit cards, 17-9investment rule of 72, 17-12savings account, 17-11NNational anthem honors, 9-13National ensign, 4-21half-masting, 9-12honors, 9-13Naval actionsBarbary States, 5-7Civil War, 5-6, 5-10Continental Navy, 5-3Desert Shield/Desert Storm, 5-34exploration, 5-23, 5-29Korea, 5-25Persian Gulf, 5-34Quasi War, 5-7Spanish-American War, 5-14Vietnam, 5-28War of 1812, 5-7World War IINaval history, 5-1 through 45continental Navy, 5-1US Navy’s birthday, 5-1US Navy, Civil War to 20th century, 5-10US Navy, 1900 through World War I, 5-15US Navy 1920 to 1950, 5-18US Navy 1950 to 1990s, 5-24Naval organization, 6-1 through 6-21aircraft squadron organization, 6-12chain of command, 6-14Department of Defense, 6-1shipboard organization, 6-6unit organization, 6-6Navy Goal Card, 16-1Navy Good Conduct Medal, 16-32Navy Sponsor Program, 1-5Neil Robertson stretcher, 14-28Noise, 19-19Nonjudicial punishment, 2-36article 15, 2-36Nuclear blasts, types of 13-7effects of, 13-10INDEX-7
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