Biological warfare, 13-1
agents of, 13-16
contamination, detection, and identification, 13-13
protection, 13-17
symptoms of, 13-6
Boat seamanship, 7-7
safety of, 7-7
terms and nomenclature of, 7-9
types of boats, 7-7
Blackout, 13-12
Bleeding, control of, 14-9
Blueout, 13-12
Boat booms, 7-6
Boats, safety procedures, 7-7, 19-5
Bomb threats, 22-15
Burns, 14-17
Cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 14-4
one-rescuer technique, 14-4
two-rescuer technique, 14-6
Career and education information, 16-1 through 16-40
3-M Systems
discharge, types of, 16-30
divisional logs and files, 16-22
Duty Preference Form, 16-10
duty, types of, 16-9
enlisted career structure, 16-3
Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling
Record, 16-13
Enlisted Service Record, 16-15
Navy Goal Card, 16-1
Navy Good Conduct Medal, 16-32
personnel qualification standards (PQS), 16-24
professional development, 16-2
programs leading to a naval commission, 16-28
signature authority, 16-22
training and education, 16-24
Cargo, lifting safety precautions, 19-7, 19-20
CBR-D, 13-1 through 13-32
Censorship, personal, 22-14
Ceremonies, 9-11 through 9-15
colors, 9-11
half-masting the ensign, 9-12
Chain of command, 6-14
Checkoff lists,
compartment, 12-12
Chemical agents, 13-3
blister agents, 13-4
blood agents, 13-4
choking agents, 13-5
nerve agents, 13-3
riot control agents (RCAs), 13-5
Chemical attack alarm, 12-9
Chemical, biological, and radiological defense, 13-1
through 13-32
biological warfare, 13-6
CBR defense protective measures, 13-17
chemical, biological, and nuclear warfare
operations, 13-1
chemical warfare, 13-2
collective protection system, 13-26
contamination, detection, and identification, 13-13
decontamination, 13-23
mission oriented protective posture (MOPP), 13-21
nuclear warfare, 13-7
Chemical warfare, 13-1, 13-2
agents, effects of, 13-3
agents, types of, 13-3
collective protection system, 13-26
contamination, detection, and identification, 13-13
protection, 13-17