34. What material condition provides the leastdegree of watertight integrity?1. ZEBRA2. YOKE3. XRAY35. What material condition sets the highestdegree of watertight integrity?1. ZEBRA2. YOKE3. XRAY36. Which of the following fittings are closedwhen condition ZEBRA is set?1. DOG Z fittings2. Circle X fittings3. Y fittings4. All of the above37. What means, if any, is used by repair parties tofind damage control fittings and closures ineach compartment?1. Master alfa list2. Compartment checkoff lists3. DC compartment checks4. None38. The Damage Control Closure Log ismaintained in which of the followinglocations?1. DCC2. Quarterdeck3. Both 1 and 2 above4. Engineering spaces39. Which of the following logs is a list of allDC-related fittings that don’t work properly?1. Damage Control Closure Log2. Fire marshal pass down log3. Inoperative Fittings and Closures Log4. Bridge log40. What fittings are secured when the ship is setfor “darken ship”?1. WILLIAM2. Circle WILLIAM3. DOG ZEBRA4. Circle ZEBRA41. The emergency escape breathing device(EEBD) supplies breathable air for whatmaximum period of time?1. 10 minutes2. 15 minutes3. 20 minutes4. 25 minutes42. With training, you should be able to activatethe EEBD within what maximum period oftime?1. 10 seconds2. 20 seconds3. 30 seconds4. 40 seconds43. Which of the following breathing devicesshould NOT be worn for fire-fightingpurposes?1. OBA2. SEED3. SCBA44. Which of the following is the primary firefighting tool for respiratory protection?1. EEBD2. SEED3. OBA4. SCBA45. From the time it is activated, each cylinderused in the self-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) will last approximately what length oftime?1. 15 minutes2. 30 minutes3. 45 minutes4. 60 minutes46. Which of the following substances must bepresent to start a fire?1. Oxygen2. Heat3. Fuel4. All of the above42
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